Word Search Challenge

While we are practicing our social distancing I have a way for us to pass the time. If you’re like me, you are probably tired of sitting on the couch. Don’t want to watch television, have seen enough movies and news.

I really enjoy “hidden object” games. Looking for things that are hidden and then remembering them for the next time you come back to that scene – it’s a real challenge and something I just like to do. But my all time favorite is Word Search. It’s a great way to improve your vocabulary and keep your mind alert. It was also one of my Dad’s favorites.

I also enjoy another kind of word search and I do it every morning.

When I first really got turned on to God’s word I began using it like my own personal hidden message from heaven. My goodness, that’s been over 40 years ago now. I had been raised in church all my life but never really got in and studied the Word for myself. You know, you go to church and listen to the minister or Sunday School teacher and you just accept what they say and never really give much thought to it the rest of the week.

But after we saw God do a miracle and heal our son, we started searching to find out what the Word said to us and how it would impact our daily lives. I remember so clearly sitting down at our kitchen table with our Bibles, a Strong’s concordance and a legal pad. We began to search out different words and how they had been used throughout the Bible. We would read a verse and then the verses before and after to make sure we saw things in their proper context. The search was on!

We asked the Lord for understanding of His Word and He gave it to us. One Scripture that I had always heard took on new meaning. I had always heard the verses “Eye hath not seen or ear heard what has entered into the heart of God and that no one can know God’s thoughts” but in reading, truly searching the Scripture with the Holy Spirit guiding, I found that there was more to that verse than how it had always been quoted.
“We teach wisdom to people who are mature, but the wisdom we teach is not from this world. It is not the wisdom of the rulers of this world, who are losing their power. 7 But we speak God’s secret wisdom that has been hidden from everyone until now. God planned this wisdom for our glory. He planned it before the world began. 8 None of the rulers of this world understood this wisdom. If they had understood it, they would not have killed our great and glorious Lord on a cross. 9 But as the Scriptures say,
“No one has ever seen, no one has ever heard, no one has ever imagined
what God has prepared for those who love him.”
10 But God has shown us these things through the Spirit. The Spirit knows all things. The Spirit even knows the deep secrets of God. 11 It is like this: No one knows the thoughts that another person has. Only the person’s spirit that lives inside knows those thoughts. It is the same with God. No one knows God’s thoughts except God’s Spirit. 12 We received the Spirit that is from God, not the spirit of the world. We received God’s Spirit so that we can know all that God has given us.”
I Corinthians 2:6-12 ERV

What had been left out was the part about the Holy Spirit knowing God’s thoughts and He would give us the ability to KNOW all that God has for us. WOW!!! Talk about Hidden Treasures – we had a whole book of God’s thoughts right before us and all we had to do was search them out.

There is also this written by the prophet Jeremiah “I say this because I know the plans that I have for you.” This message is from the Lord. “I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future. 12 Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will search for me, and when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:11-13 ERV

Let me encourage you today to start your own “word search”. This one isn’t a game, it’s life, peace and joy. The verse above says we search with all our heart and then King Solomon gave instruction this way “The LORD is the source of wisdom; knowledge and understanding come from his mouth. 7 He gives good advice to honest people and shields those who do what is right. 8 He makes sure that people are treated fairly. He watches over his loyal followers. 9 If you listen to him, you will understand what is just and fair and how to do what is right. 10 You will gain wisdom, and knowledge will bring you joy. 11 Planning ahead will protect you, and understanding will guard you.” Proverbs 2:6-11. ERV

I didn’t have a photographic memory so I would write the verses that really spoke to me on an index card and I kept that in my back pocket until my bundle of verses got too big and then I put them in my purse, glove box and on the tractor so that I always had them close at hand until they were in my heart.

What is your quest? Do you need to search for peace, safety, joy? You’ll find them all in the “word search”. May I suggest you use the Biblegateway.com app? It has a wide variety of translations to make the Bible easier to understand.

God’s word will change your life!

A Real Budget Buster

Have you ever taken time to evaluate your spending habits? We have lived on a budget all our married life. Everything has a category and an amount and to the best of my ability I try to make it all line up each month. Need to be good stewards right?

This morning I was thinking about spending; spending for groceries, vehicles, clothing, furniture, entertainment, health and extragavences. The way we assign value differs from category to category. I want to get a “good deal” on vegetables and meat and so I set an amount that I won’t go over when it comes to a pound of meat or a pound of grapes.

We shop for the best buy when it comes to our furniture and vehicles and are always looking for a super sale. Then there are those things that we will willing go into our savings to purchase; a child’s wedding or college education, medical expenses for a loved one. These require sacrifice but a sacrifice of love.

As I was reading in I Corinthians I saw Paul repeat a phrase that he had used earlier in the book.

” God paid a high price for you,” I Corinthians 7:23 ERV

I want you to stop and think about your value this morning. Do you understand how priceless you are to the Father? We’re not like a bunch of grapes or a bag of tomatoes that can be bought cheaply for $.99 per pound. We’re not like the new dress or new car that He waited for the big sale to purchase. We are invaluable to Him.

Our value is so great that we are “Budget Busters”!

“God’s kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field. One day a man found the treasure. He hid it again and was so happy that he went and sold everything he owned and bought the field. 45 “Also, God’s kingdom is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 One day he found a very fine pearl. He went and sold everything he had to buy it.” Matthew 13:44-26 ERV

The earth is the world, God the Father is the man, we are the treasure or the pearl and Jesus is the price that was paid!

What is it that would cause you to sell all you have – your home, your jewelry, your cars, your boat, your horses, your RV, cash in the CD’s and empty the savings account? What would be valuable enough to have you sell all to buy one treasure?

We are that treasure! God gave His only begotten Son to purchase us!

No words can convey what I am feeling in my heart this morning as I realize in a deeper way God’s love for me.

” And I pray that you and all God’s holy people will have the power to understand the greatness of Christ’s love—how wide, how long, how high, and how deep that love is. 19 Christ’s love is greater than anyone can ever know, but I pray that you will be able to know that love. Then you can be filled with everything God has for you.” Ephesians 3:18-19 ERV

Father, I will take my words of praise from the Psalms
“Your faithful love is better than life, so my lips praise you. 4 By my life, I will praise you. In your name, I lift my hands in prayer” Psalm 63:3-4 ERV

Thank you for seeing me as valuable!

Discovering Hidden Treasure

Dave and I have always enjoyed finding “hidden treasure”! While we lived in Northern Idaho we spent nearly every weekend at farm and ranch auctions seeking lost treasure buried in barns or some old box. It was a wonderful time.

It also required an effort of time and finances. Sometimes we would travel into neighboring states, rarely was there anything within a couple hours drive. That was the fun of it; the drive, taking a picnic, setting a budget, going over the budget and then coming home with the truck laden down like a pirate’s ship. All of this was the image that came to mind this morning as I was reading Proverbs 2.

“My son, pay attention to what I say. Remember my commands. 2 Listen to wisdom, and do your best to understand. 3 Ask for good judgment. Cry out for understanding. 4 Look for wisdom like silver. Search for it like hidden treasure. 5 If you do this, you will understand what it means to respect the Lord, and you will come to know God.” Proverbs 2:1-5 ERV

Search for wisdom like hidden treasure.

Wisdom that comes from God is invaluable. Solomon is the one who wrote Proverbs and he is reported to have been the wealthiest and wisest man to have ever lived. He placed a greater value on wisdom than on riches. In fact, when God asked him what he wanted most this was his answer.

“While Solomon was at Gibeon, the Lord came to him at night in a dream. God said, “Solomon, ask me what you want me to give you.”

6 Solomon answered, “You were very kind and loyal to your servant, my father David. He was faithful to you and lived a good, honest life. And you showed him the greatest kindness when you let his son take his place as king. 7 Lord my God, you have made me the king in my father’s place, but I am like a small child. I don’t have the wisdom I need to do what I must do. 8 I am your servant here among your chosen people. There are so many that they cannot be counted. 9 So I ask you to give me the wisdom to rule and judge them well and to help me know the difference between right and wrong. Without such great wisdom, it would be impossible to rule this great nation.”

10 The Lord was happy that Solomon asked for wisdom. 11 So God said to him, “You did not ask for long life and riches for yourself. You did not ask for the death of your enemies. You asked for the wisdom to listen and make the right decisions. 12 So I will give you what you asked for. I will make you wise and intelligent. I will make you wiser than anyone who ever lived or ever will live. 13 And I will also give you what you did not ask for. You will have riches and honor all your life. There will be no other king in the world as great as you. 14 And I will give you a long life if you follow me and obey my laws and commands as your father David did.” I Kings 3:5-14 ERV

Time and again in the book of Proverbs Solomon refers to wisdom as a treasure.

“Good homes are built on wisdom and understanding. 4 Knowledge fills the rooms with rare and beautiful treasures.” Proverbs 24:3 ERV

“Profit that comes from wisdom is better than silver and even the finest gold. 15 Wisdom is worth more than fine jewels. Nothing you desire has more value. 16 With her right hand, Wisdom offers long life—with the other hand, riches and honor.” Proverbs 3:14-16 ERV

I’m sure you have noticed that there are 30 chapters in the book of Proverbs, one for each day of most months. What if we were to go on a daily treasure hunt? I know it would require time, just like it required a commitment of our time to travel to those auctions. Do you think if would be profitable for us to search out the treasure in each chapter? There is so much that we can glean from the practical teachings of this book.

One thing that Solomon teaches us is to trust God’s wisdom and not our own. We’re not to “lean on our own understanding”. This is probably one of the most difficult things for me to consistently follow. I’m constantly coming up with one “bright idea” after another and I have certainly had my fair share of failures. But those things that I have truly sought the Lord on and followed His wise plan have succeeded.

This is one of the gold nuggets that I found hidden in the book of Proverbs.

“Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed.” Proverbs 16:3 AMP

In the natural way of thinking it wasn’t good military strategy to have a nation of people march around a city for 7 days and then shout and blow on trumpets but that was God’s plan for taking the city of Jericho. Joshua followed it and defeated his enemy. Going after a giant with a sling shot and 5 smooth stones wasn’t King Saul’s plan but it was God’s, so when David was obedient success followed.

A widow woman had the plan to take her last bit of meal and oil, make a cake for her and her son and then they were going to starve. There was no other food and her countrymen had been dying all around her. It wasn’t her plan to make the cake and give to God’s prophet first but that’s what she did and with God’s plan in place the woman and her son never ran out of meal and oil during the famine.

We need to trust and follow His instruction. God will give us creative ideas if we ask Him.

“Learning respect for the Lord is good. It will last forever. The Lord’s judgments are right. They are completely fair. 10 His teachings are worth more than pure gold. They are sweeter than the best honey dripping from the honeycomb. 11 His teachings warn his servants, and good things come to those who obey them.” Psalm 19:9-11 ERV

So get out your metal detectors, your gold panning equipment and your treasure map. Dig into God’s word. Happy prospecting!