Acts of Kindness

You’ve probably heard me say this before but this morning I am living proof of practice-what-you-preach.

On a number of occasions I have been asked “how long should I read the Bible each day”. My answer is always the same. Read until is speaks to you, then stop and meditate on those verses.

That’s exactly what I am doing this morning with some of the verses from Proverbs 15. Right from the beginning of the chapter the verses began to jump off the page and into my heart.

A gentle answer makes anger disappear, but a rough answer makes it grow.” verse 1 ERV

Kind words are like a life-giving tree, but lying words will crush your spirit.” verse 4 ERV

 The lips of the wise spread much learning, but the minds of fools do not.” verse 7 NLV

 A quick temper causes fights, but patience brings peace and calm.” verse 18 ERV

Good people think before they answer, but the wicked do not, and what they say causes trouble.” verse 28 ERV

Yes, it didn’t take me long to realize that the Lord wanted me to watch what I say today and to make my words kind. Sometimes one of the greatest kindnesses we can show someone is not speaking our mind.  That doesn’t mean that we are to be hypocritical, no, just thoughtful in the words we speak.

A co-worker who has just been ridiculed publicly doesn’t need us to be critical. A fellow student who has just been embarrassed in class doesn’t need our teasing. The cashier who just received a tongue lashing from a patron doesn’t need our words of impatience. No, in each situation they need someone who will speak words of kindness.

So often people think acts of kindness are some grand gesture but quite the opposite. Speaking words with no sarcasm or demeaning tone are certainly acts of kindness.  Showing people respect by using please, thank you, yes Ma’am, no Sir, and I appreciate that, are words of kindness.

Thinking before we speak and not loosing our tempers are acts of kindness. We become a true example of Jesus when we watch over the words we speak.

I trust these verses will speak to volumes to all of us as we go through our day. I pray that we all listen to our words before they leave our lips. I pray that our words will be life-giving, spread learning and bringing peace.

Lord, thank you for pointing out to me that my words need to be well-chosen. I desire to bring acts of kindness to those around me through my words.