A Donkey’s Tale

Here we are just two weeks before Easter and our road to the cross is about to come to an end.

Years back I wrote a short story entitled, “A Donkey’s Tale”. Did you know that the average lifespan of a donkey is 27 to 40 years? This morning, I will retell that story; I hope it makes an impact.

“There were two donkeys in a stable. One quite old and the other young who had never been ridden. Things were getting quite busy in Jerusalem; people were coming from all over the country. Preparations were being made for the Passover celebration. It was only a couple weeks away.

The animals in the stable sensed the excitement.

The older donkey began to speak. His bray was soft and low as he recalled a memory from 30+ years before. He had been a young donkey then; his steps were steady, and his back was strong. He said, ‘I carried a young woman to Bethlehem. She was very pregnant, and her baby was due anytime. It was a long trip – it took 5, or was it 6, days to make the journey.

When we arrived in Bethlehem, it was crowded and busy, just like Jerusalem is now. There was no place for my owners to stay so they made room for them in the stable with me. During the night the baby was born. It was so exciting!

Before I knew it the stable had filled with shepherds. They said they came looking for the baby. They said angels had told them about His birth. He was God’s Son, Immanuel, God with us. Mary and Joseph just called him Jesus.

After several weeks we returned to Nazareth and were there when a caravan of very important people arrived looking for Jesus. They gave Mary and Joseph gifts for him, so many gifts. They had traveled so far just to worship Him.

After they left, an angel came, and he told Joseph that we should take Jesus far away because there was a king who wanted to kill him. In the night, Joseph saddled me, and I took them to Egypt. It was another long journey. We stayed away for a long time until it was safe for me to bring my family back home to Nazareth. I knew I was carrying a king.

As the older donkey finished his story the young colt lamented, ‘I wish my life would have a wonderful story like yours.’

“Everyone in Jerusalem, celebrate and shout! Your king has won a victory, and he is coming to you. He is humble and rides on a donkey; he comes on the colt of a donkey.” Zechariah 9:9 CEV

Little did this young colt know that God would soon be using him in a similar way to the old donkey resting next to him.”

Now I know this is just a silly children’s tale, but it reminds me that we who are older should be used to encourage those who are younger in their faith. Don’t be discouraged, don’t give up.

 My friends, watch out! Don’t let evil thoughts or doubts make any of you turn from the living God. 13 You must encourage one another each day. And you must keep on while there is still a time that can be called “today.” If you don’t, then sin may fool some of you and make you stubborn. 14 We were sure about Christ when we first became his people. So let’s hold tightly to our faith until the end.” Hebrews 3:12-14 CEV

Now let me finish my tale. Just a few weeks later our young donkey had an encounter that changed his life.

“Jesus found a donkey and rode on it, just as the Scriptures say, 15 ‘People of Jerusalem, don’t be afraid! Your King is now coming,
and he is riding on a donkey.’” John 12:14-15 CEV

One donkey’s road led to a manger: the other’s to the cross.

The Rocks Have Something to Say

When we began to plan our trip to Greece years and months ago, I had one priority. I wanted to visit the island of Patmos, the place where John had been exiled, the place the Lord gave him the message of the end times, the Book of Revelation.

Little did I know that this is one of those places where “you can’t get there from here”.

Patmos is a small island about an hour by sea from Turkey. They have no airport, the only way to the island is via ferry. What we did find was an airport several islands away on Samos. We caught a flight from Crete back to Athens and then to Samos. There we boarded a ferry, one of many that go to the island, for a three-hour tour. Yes, a three-hour tour.

We left Crete at 8 am and arrived on Patmos at 7 pm. After a good night’s sleep, we headed to the Cave of the Apocalypse, as it is called. This is the place where Greek Orthodox teaching say John was sequestered and there wrote the Book of Revelation.

Many times on this trip we have learned to trust the directions we were given by Google Maps. I truly believe this technology was God-guided. We saw that our destination was only .5 km from our hotel. It wasn’t too warm that morning so we decided to walk. It started out with a beautiful meandering through the narrow residential lanes of Skala. The incline became steeper and the humidity was increasing, our energy was being tapped. We stopped a few times to catch our breathe.

At one spot a local man pointed us in the right direction or who-knows-where we would have ended up.

This spot on the hilltop has been well preserved. There is a building where you enter and a corridor to follow back to the Cave. It is now a place of worship and prayer. Often times there is a priest there to give instruction on the significance of the site, but he wasn’t there when we were.

We truly did sense the presence of God. We went there to worship and give thanks for the Father’s abiding presence. Knowing that He has promised to never leave us or abandon us. Knowing that the Book of Revelation was written to warn us all of the events that will mark the end of time on earth. The wars, rumors of wars, destruction, famine, floods, men’s hearts turning to selfish ambition and ignoring the will of God are all signs the Bible tells us to look for before the Lord returns. These are the signs of our times.

Yet, in all of this the thing that had the greatest impact on me were the rocks. Outside, away from the structure, were these big rocks, steps had been hewn to make the walking easier but the rocks were the very same as those that had been there, under the feet of John, possibly causing him to stumble. These rocks were a living testimony.

“They said, ‘Great and honored is the King Who comes in the name of the Lord. There is peace and greatness in the highest heaven.’ 39 Some of the proud religious law-keepers who were in among the people said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, speak sharp words to Your followers.’ 40 Jesus said to them, ‘I tell you that if these did not speak, the very stones would call out.’” Luke 19:38-40 NLV

It’s interesting to hear people speak about how peaceful they feel on the island. Those who live there say the same thing. It’s a place free from turmoil. If we don’t speak to honor and glorify God, the rocks by their very existence will!

Just Because

What kinds of things do you do, just because? Because you like them, because they are necessary, because they bring you joy?

Brushing your teeth, getting dressed, making meals. Watching sports, going camping, that “every year” Christmas movie. Gardening, playing with the grandkids, going for a walk, spending time with friends.

Most all of these are done just because. No special reason or demand dictates it.

That’s how I feel about my morning quiet time – just because!

When I woke up this morning, my heart was filled with so much love and thanksgiving to the Lord.

Just because…because He’s God, because He loves me, because He knows me and loves me still.

When Jesus was born, wise men from the East saw His star and came to worship Him just because. History tells us they had read of this phenomenon and at its appearing, set out to find the King of the Jews.

For the heavens to provide such a brilliant light truly was a significant thing. Something they could not ignore. Something they must research and discover. This wasn’t a “just because” event. It had required preparation. It was an expensive venture to fund, supplies to purchase, the right camels needed to be selected for the journey, and the right team of associates to aid them in their quest. It was a time-consuming journey.

” Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in the country of Judea. It was the time when Herod was king of that part of the country. Soon after Jesus was born, some wise men who learned things from stars came to Jerusalem from the East. They asked, ‘Where is the King of the Jews Who has been born? We have seen His star in the East. We have come to worship Him.’…After the king had spoken, they went on their way. The star they had seen in the East went before them. It came and stopped over the place where the young Child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were filled with much joy. 11 They went into the house and found the young Child with Mary, His mother. Then they got down before Him and worshiped Him. They opened their bags of riches and gave Him gifts of gold and perfume and spices.” Matthew 2:1-11 NLV

Their journey ended in worship.

I hope you find time to worship Him today – just because!