Nobody Knows…

Have you ever had one of those pity party days when all you wanted to do was feel sorry for yourself?

It’s a very small guest list; me, myself and I. But before long others start showing up; resentment and hurt feelings come in together, self-pity and depression found their way in and loneliness and anger seem to tag along. Then the band begins to play – it’s a Blues Band. Top 10 on their hit parade are “Ain’t No Sunshine When You’re Gone, Tears of a Clown, Thank God and Greyhound You’re Gone, You’re Cheatin’ Heart and even this oldie but goodie, Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen. Now for the refreshments there’s tears of sadness pouring from the punch bowl and bitterness cake fresh out of the oven of regret.

I hope you’re smiling right now. Done like this it does sound kind of silly but in reality most of us have been there at one time or other. The hurt and loneliness are very real and we truly do feel like no one else knows what I’m going through.

“17 He (Jesus) had to be one of us, so that he could serve God as our merciful and faithful high priest and sacrifice himself for the forgiveness of our sins. 18 And now that Jesus has suffered and was tempted, he can help anyone else who is tempted.” Hebrews 2:17-18 CEV

I try not to get to technical in these morning devotionals but this verse above uses an Old English word in the King James version of the Bible. The word is succor. It has been substituted in more contemporary versions with the word help. According to the Cambridge English dictionary it means “give assistance or aid to.

synonyms: help, aid, bring aid to, give/render assistance to, assist, lend a (helping) hand to;

minister to, care for, comfort, bring relief to, support, take care of, look after, attend to

“the prisoners were succored”

Jesus came to earth to experience life the way we experience it. He faced rejection from his family; problems at work; he knew hunger and exhaustion; he was tempted by power and revenge; he experienced heartache and loss but He came through it all without sin. The reason, so that he could strengthen us in our times of greatest weakness.

“We have a great high priest who has gone to live with God in heaven. He is Jesus the Son of God. So let us continue to express our faith in him. 15 Jesus, our high priest, is able to understand our weaknesses. When Jesus lived on earth, he was tempted in every way. He was tempted in the same ways we are tempted, but he never sinned. 16 With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:14-16 ERV

I can honestly say that since I have begun to apply these verses to my life I have rarely had a “down” or depressed day. These verses have been my strength, my support and my emotional anchor.

Realizing that Jesus went through all he did to be my strength is an amazing thought. He chose to experience the hurt and the heartache, the rejection, the temptations so that He could run to my aid and bring me relief. He came to be my help and my deliverance!

Time to break up this party – send home the guests and throw the refreshments out!

However, a new party has been planned. New guests to invite – joy, peace, forgiveness, love, gentleness, kindness. And the music – heavenly! Location – the court of the king!

“Come through the gates to his Temple giving thanks to him. Enter his courtyards with songs of praise. Honor him and bless his name.
5 The Lord is good! There is no end to his faithful love. We can trust him forever and ever!” Psalm 100:4-5 ERV

Let’s get this party started!

Strength Training

This day is starting very early!

I woke at 1:30 and couldn’t go back to sleep. I know when that happens it’s time to pray. Stopping in the kitchen to start the coffee, Glory by my side, I came to the living room, cuddled up on the couch with my blanket and began to pray for those who are near and dear to my heart.

Through the years I have learned to be obedient and pray when the Lord is prompting me. I remember years ago when we were farming that a friend and her family came to mind as I was swathing alfalfa. You’ve heard the expression “my heart was heavy”, well that describes perfectly how I was feeling. I began to pray, right there on the swather. And I continued praying until I felt lighter. It took me over a week before I was able to contact her and ask what had been going on. She told me that her young son had gotten terribly ill and had been hospitalized. There in his room she told the Father “I need strength. I need support. I need prayer.” It was at that very time that I began to pray. I know I wasn’t the only one but I’m glad I was obedient.

There have been numerous other occasions like this one through the years. Sometimes I haven’t always known who I was praying for or what the need was but I knew that’s what the Lord was having me do. At times like this I have to trust the Holy Spirit to direct my prayers to the need.

But this morning’s devotional is not on prayer – it’s on strength.

“Surely you know the truth. Surely you have heard. The Lord is the God who lives forever! He created all the faraway places on earth. He does not get tired and weary. You cannot learn all he knows. 29 He helps tired people be strong. He gives power to those without it. 30 Young men get tired and need to rest. Even young boys stumble and fall.31 But those who trust in the Lord will become strong again. They will be like eagles that grow new feathers. They will run and not get weak. They will walk and not get tired.” Isaiah 40:28-31 ERV

These are verses I learned years ago while we were farming. Our days were tremendously long and physically exhausting. I was the mother of 2 small children, a homemaker and my husband’s #1 farm hand. He needed me to be strong and alert. It could be dangerous if I wasn’t. Many days and many times each day I would read these verses off my index cards, until I knew them by heart, and trust the Lord for the strength that I needed.

Another verse that went right alongside of these was

“I can do all things because Christ gives me the strength.” Philippians 4:13 NLV

Mostly it was physical strength and stamina that I needed. But you all know that when you get tired physically it also affects you mentally and emotionally. I learned that no matter the situation, I could trust the Lord to give me the strength I needed to keep going.

I will be using these verse again today. It’s going to be busy around our house for the next few days, we have guests coming to stay at our BnB. There’s still quite a bit to do and so no time for a nap but I know that I will have all the strength I need.

Maybe you’re feeling weak right now. You’ve been going for days in a row with a child that’s sick or perhaps it’s a project at work that’s had you burning the candle at both ends, you’re exhausted. It could be that things at school are overwhelming. Have you been given the responsibility of caring for an ill and/or aging parent? Have you been battling a debilitating illness? No matter what the situation God promises to provide strength.

“He answered me, “I am all you need. I give you My loving-favor. My power works best in weak people.” I am happy to be weak and have troubles so I can have Christ’s power in me. 10 I receive joy when I am weak. I receive joy when people talk against me and make it hard for me and try to hurt me and make trouble for me. I receive joy when all these things come to me because of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” II Corinthians 12:9-10 NLV

Today Lord I come to you for strength training – You’re all I need!

True Strength

Dave and I had the wonderful opportunity to be up in Chandler this last week with Kaci, Stephen, Sam and Kristine. We headed up early Sunday morning – Kristine was born before we got there but we saw her when she was less than 7 hours old.

After we left the hospital, we took Sam home and became his playmate for the next few days while Momma & Dadda stayed with baby sisser at the hospital. He’s not quite two and full of energy. (There is a reason the Lord gives you children while you are young.) We older folks just don’t have the stamina we had in our 30’s. Sam is a sweet boy and we had tons of fun!

Then the rest of the family joined us and we were there another couple days before heading home. So sweet to see this family melt together – San’s excitement seeing his Momma and Daddy after being separated for 3 days, accepting his new baby and Kaci and Stephen making sure Sam knew he was special and loved. It was great!

But then came time to come home! Home and rest. Spent most of our day yesterday doing that very thing…resting. Sometimes the things that drain us are joyful and exciting, at other times it can be situations that are difficult and emotionally and physically taxing.

True strength comes from one place. When we wait on the Lord we are renewed in strength and this strength is a fruit of taking joy in the Lord. (Nehemiah 8:10) That joy comes when we focus on Him; His goodness, His grace, His mercy, His provision.

The people in Nehemiah’s day were rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem and during the reconstruction they came across the scrolls containing God’s word. As the priest read, the people were saddened and became repentant because they had fallen away from following God’s word.

“The people started crying when God’s Law was read to them. Then Nehemiah the governor, Ezra the priest and teacher, and the Levites who had been teaching the people all said, “This is a special day for the LORD your God. So don’t be sad and don’t cry!”
10 Nehemiah told the people, “Enjoy your good food and wine and share some with those who didn’t have anything to bring. Don’t be sad! This is a special day for the LORD, and he will make you happy and strong.”
11 The Levites encouraged the people by saying, “This is a sacred day, so don’t worry or mourn!” Nehemiah 8:9-11 CEV

Finding God’s word first convicted them and then it encouraged them. It brought them reason to celebrate, reason for hope, it brought them strength!

Do you need strength today? Physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, financial – then look to God’s word – it will bring you joy and in joy is your strength.

Common Place to Resent Authority

Had the wonderful privledge of watching Sam yesterday while his mom, dad and new little sister were at the hospital. Today we will be his playmates for the day again. What a wonderful thing to be close and be able to come and be Besta and Pappy! Love it!!

So this morning, my devotional is recycled but just as pertinent to everyday life as it was a few years ago when I first wrote it. Enjoy your day…I will as I spend it with Dave and our 2 year old grandson.

We live in a society where it is common place to question and even resent authority. Students bully their teachers, children disrespect their parents and employees trash talk their employers – some places commands have been replaced with “suggestions” and nearly everything is viewed as politically incorrect or offensive. We live in a world of “situation ethics”.
But some things should never change – one being our faith and trust in the unfailing, inerrant Word of God. The Word of God should and will be the final authority by which all is judged. It is the word of God that spoke this world into existence and it is what is holding it together still.

Many of us struggle with issues in life – depression, recession, dis – ease, fear, hopelessness – anything but the abundant life that God has promised to us in His word and much of that comes back to our questioning authority. The authority of God’s word and His promises. If you live by the Bible you are considered old fashioned, uninformed, not academically in tuned or worse yet intolerant and politically incorrect.
But I know of no other Book that has stood the test of time and not had to be revised or rewritten – it is the living Word of God and it is sharper and more powerful than any 2-edged sword piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit. We either acknowledge it as absolute and live in victory or we disregard it as old fashioned and passe` and live defeated in those areas of our life.
“1-5 When Jesus had finished these talks to the people, he came to Capernaum, where it happened that there was a man very seriously ill and in fact at the point of death. He was the slave of a centurion who thought very highly of him. When the centurion heard about Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders to him with the request that he would come and save his servant’s life. When they came to Jesus, they urged him strongly to grant this request, saying that the centurion deserved to have this done for him. “He loves our nation and has built us a synagogue out of his own pocket,” they said.
6-8 So Jesus went with them, but as he approached the house, the centurion sent some of his personal friends with the message, “Don’t trouble yourself, sir! I’m not important enough for you to come into my house—I didn’t think I was fit to come to you in person. Just give the order, please, and my servant will recover. I am used to working under orders, and I have soldiers under me. I can say to one, ‘Go’, and he goes, or I can say to another, ‘Come here’, and he comes; or I can say to my slave, ‘Do this job’, and he does it.”
9 These words amazed Jesus and he turned to the crowd who were following behind him, and said, “I have never found faith like this anywhere, even in Israel!”
10 Then those who had been sent by the centurion returned to the house and found the slave perfectly well.” Luke 7:1-10
I choose to put my faith in the authority of God’s Word – ” Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. 8 They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright.” Psalm 20:7-8