Pass the Biscuits

What makes you smile?

This morning it is the aroma of sausage. Normally, this time of day the only thing I smell is the coffee brewing but today is different. There’s a distinct odor of sausage coming from the crock pot in my kitchen.

A few days ago, we invited all our fellow camp hosts to a biscuits and gravy breakfast. Just a little gathering before we head back to our respective campgrounds, hopefully, by week’s end.

Our evacuation confinement has given Dave and I the opportunity to get to know some of the other hosts, nice people, who we wouldn’t have gotten acquainted with otherwise. Some live just a few miles from us in Rio Rico, others live full time in their RV’s and travel the U.S. 

The other evening at a gathering one lady came up and asked, “are you Kristi with the blog?”. I laughed and said yes. She told me she is friends with a camp host from last year who had told her about my blog and how much it encourages her.

We never know how the Lord will use us if we are just available.

“Whatever you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks to God the Father because of him.” Colossians 3:17 CEV

Each day presents us with opportunities to be a blessing.  Today it comes one a breakfast plate in the form of buttermilk biscuits and sausage gravy with a side of black coffee.

It reminds me of Jesus. He fixed a breakfast of fish for a group of men who had been out all night fishing. As they returned to shore, they encountered Jesus. He was there to feed their bodies and their spirits.

“Simon Peter said, “I’m going fishing!” The others said, “We will go with you.” They went out in their boat. But they didn’t catch a thing that night.

Early the next morning Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize who he was. Jesus shouted, “Friends, have you caught anything?” “No!” they answered.

So he told them, “Let your net down on the right side of your boat, and you will catch some fish.” They did, and the net was so full of fish that they could not drag it up into the boat…

When the disciples got out of the boat, they saw some bread and a charcoal fire with fish on it. 10 Jesus told his disciples, “Bring some of the fish you just caught.” 11 Simon Peter got back into the boat and dragged the net to shore. In it were one hundred fifty-three large fish, but still the net did not rip.

12 Jesus said, “Come and eat!” But none of the disciples dared ask who he was. They knew he was the Lord. 13 Jesus took the bread in his hands and gave some of it to his disciples. He did the same with the fish.” John 21:3-13 CEV

You don’t have to stand behind a pulpit to be a preacher. We all have a story of how God’s love and forgiveness changed our lives. We can share it best by loving the people we encounter and sometimes it can be shared best when we pass the biscuits.

Twas the Morning of Christmas

Twas the morning of Christmas and all through the house, the only creature stirring is me. The coffee is brewed and my cup is full but not nearly as full as my heart which is overflowing with love and appreciation for each of my family and friends who are reading this non-rhymning message.

A world changing event transpired over 2000 years ago when the sky was filled with an angelic chorus. A baby born affected the whole human race by introducing unconditional love in human flesh to reconcile us to a perfect and merciful God, the Father.

“A child has been born for us. We have been given a son who will be our ruler. His names will be Wonderful Advisor and Mighty God, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 CEV

Our prayer for you and your families this morning is that you know Him personally and that you have allowed Him to change your life. You have certainly impacted our lives through the year and left an imprint of your love, your caring and your joy. Your friendship is dear.

Merry Christmas from the Wilson’s casa to yours!

“This is what God commands: that we believe in his Son Jesus Christ, and that we love each other as he commanded. 24 All who obey God’s commands live in God. And God lives in them. How do we know that God lives in us? We know because of the Spirit he gave us.” I John 3:23-24 ERV

Receiving It All!

Often times during the Christmas season, the season of giving, another trait rears its ugly head. Greed or wanting to have it all is not a desirable characteristic.

However, a giving heart wants our loved ones to have all that we can possibly give. Having all and giving all come from to entirely different motivations. Wouldn’t it be strange if on Christmas morning when all the presents are passed out if we or one of our children took just one gift and without opening the rest said “this is enough for me, I don’t need any more” and pushed the rest of the gifts aside?

The giver of those gifts would be disappointed, I’m sure. Each gift had been hand picked, even hand designed and there they sit unopened and ignored. That would be so sad.

Truth be told we are all guilty of doing that with God’s gifts in one way or another.

“I pray that God will be kind to you and will let you live in perfect peace! May you keep learning more and more about God and our Lord Jesus.

We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God’s own power, when we learned that he had invited us to share in his wonderful goodness. God made great and marvelous promises, so that his nature would become part of us. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world.” II Peter 1:2-4 CEV

God’s word says that He has given us EVERYTHING we need for this life but too many are willing to only open the gift of salvation and leave the others untouched. God gave us many great and precious promises so that we could live a daily life focused on His goodness and grace.

We accept that Jesus died to forgive our sins but then continue to live in guilt because of the things we’ve done. Along with salvation comes the gifts of peace of mind, joy, strength, freedom from fear, grace, mercy, protection, provision, rest and kindness.

Our heavenly Father has provided all of these through His promises. However, many times we leave these gifts unopened and ignored because we don’t have knowledge of them. If we don’t know the gifts have our name on them then we fail to receive what the Father has designed especially for us.

The verses above tell us that the Father has made many gifts available to us but we only discover that as we learn more and more about Him.

“We praise you, Lord God! You treat us with kindness day after day, and you rescue us.” Psalm 68:19 CEV

Day after day is giving us His kindness and his protection. Day after day He sends His joy and peace. Day after day He unfolds His love before us. He is a loving, patient Father and He wants to give us all we need to escape the corrupt influences of this world.

It isn’t greedy to take every gift the Father provides. Completely the opposite, it’s a sign of accepting His love, having it all.

The Wish List

For weeks now we have been inundated with ads for “Black Friday”. In fact, those sales which were once just that one super day after Thanksgiving have been going on since the first part of November.

Black Friday – Cyber Monday! The “wanting” season has started.

Retailers are doing their best to convince us that our lives won’t be complete unless we buy this or that – go here or there – have the very latest that technology has to offer!

Don’t get caught up spending more than you have. It’s madness. There was an economist report on the news the other night that told how many people still haven’t paid for all the “great deals” they got last year. Millions of dollars worth.

Don’t buy into it.

“You, Lord, are my shepherd. I will never be in need. 2 You let me rest in fields of green grass.You lead me to streams of peaceful water, 3 and you refresh my life.You are true to your name, and you lead me along the right paths. 4 I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I won’t be afraid.You are with me, and your shepherd’s rod[a] makes me feel safe. 5 You treat me to a feast, while my enemies watch.You honor me as your guest, and you fill my cup until it overflows. 6 Your kindness and love will always be with me each day of my life, and I will live forever in your house, Lord.” Psalm 23 CEV

Our Shepherd provides all we need: rest, food, water, protection from danger, guidance, overflowing blessings, love and kindness. Now those are things that He gives us freely – more than money can buy!

This year give the best gifts – give your time, your love, be patient and understanding. Help those who have less – make a difference. Let’s show our children and our grandchildren that it is truly “more blessed to give than to receive”. It’s so much fun to give.

Thank you Father for your “pro vision”, for seeing ahead in my life and giving me more than I deserve.

Horn of Plenty

When I was little I was impressed with the pictures of a “cornucopia” . The first time I really remember hearing about them was in my second grade class as we learned about the first Thanksgiving. More fascinating than the pictures of these big baskets with fruit and vegetables spilling out of them was the word itself.


With practice I learn to say it well. It was such a grown-up sounding word. Cornucopia, the word, originated in the early 16th Century: ‘from Latin cornu copiae ‘horn of plenty’ (a mythical horn able to provide whatever is desired)’.

Early in our marriage I purchased a horn-of-plenty and each year it either sits on our table or on the breakfast bar. I filled it with small ears of Indian corn, a couple of gourds, a miniature squash and a few acorns. They spill out ever so gently.

Plenty. To provide whatever is desired…sounds just like Jesus to me.

“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” John 10:10 NLT

We aren’t blessed so that we can be selfish and keep all we have just for us and our little few. No. God’s blessings are meant to be shared. We are to be an example of our heavenly Father who has given us all our blessings.

If Jesus had been selfish he would have instructed the servants at the wedding to fill a couple bottles of the good wine and bring it to Him and his disciples. Forget about everyone else. If He had been selfish He would have multiplied the loaves and fishes, had a picnic with his closest followers and let everyone else fend for themselves. If He had been selfish He would have never come to earth in the first place. He would have stayed in heaven.

But…”God so loved the world He gave”.

I’m going to encourage you to do something tangible over the next few days. Give.

Give to a food bank (most grocery stores have boxes where you can donate food stuffs), give to a charity that cares for the homeless. Give to Samaritan’s Purse, you can go on-line and build a Christmas Shoe Box for a child in need. Give to the Angel Tree organization, they provide for children whose parents are incarcerated. Give to the Salvation Army. Give to your local church. Just give, no gift is ever too small.

“‘For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’

37 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’

40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’” Matthew 25:35-40 NLV

When we take from what we have and give to someone who has less we are acting like our Father.

I’m so thankful that others have given to us during a time of need. But I am more grateful that we are able to give.

May your horn always be filled with plenty!

Motives Matter

Good morning all.

I am going to pose a question to you that I have had to ask myself. When you are doing something nice for someone, do you ever hear “they probably won’t appreciate this anyway” going off in your head? If so, you’re not alone. That’s exactly what I dealt with. I had to come face to face with my answer.

Definitely a motive check-up. I Corinthians 13, the love chapter, tells us that if we are martyred and it isn’t motivated by love – then it profits us nothing. Thoughts like “I’m giving all my time to do this or that and no one will really appreciate it anyway – no one is going to know how hard I worked, how I gave up sleep, how much it cost me to do this nice thing” – are all wrong motives!

Years ago I would do things for people just to get them to like or accept me. I tried to buy friendship – wow, what a destructive force that was! I was so insecure in who I was that I needed constant affirmation from others that I was lovable. Then I heard a wonderful, godly woman, Dale Evans Rogers, speak in our college chapel service about God’s love, His unconditional love, and the message got through.

Knowing that God loves me – really loves me – is more than enough acceptance to last a life time. I went from doing things for people to get them to like and accept me to doing the same things because I really loved those people and I wanted them to know they were loved and appreciated. A complete 180 in motivation.

When thoughts spring up “they probably won’t even appreciate this”, and my response back is but I appreciate them and I want them to know that they are special the question of motive was answered.

It seems when we are tired and under stress that our motives come into question. Satan knows when we are weak and tries to kick us when we’re down. He’s such a creep – he did the same to Jesus. After a forty day fast he tempted Jesus with food – he said “IF you are the son of God, turn these stones to bread”. His tactics with us are the same, when we recognize them we can walk in the same strength and victory that Jesus did.

Let’s face the daily challenges and make our motivation one of love without expecting anything in return.

“I may give away everything I have to help others, and I may even give my body as an offering to be burned. But I gain nothing by doing all this if I don’t have love. 4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. 5 Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and it cannot be made angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it. 6 Love is never happy when others do wrong, but it is always happy with the truth. 7 Love never gives up on people. It never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits. 8 Love will never end.” I Corinthians 13:3-8 ERV

We have the opportunity to be an example of Jesus love today. Our motives matter.

Encourage Each Other

As I opened the template to begin writing this morning I was “Wow-ed” by what I saw. Today’s post is number 1001! Oh my. What a privilege I have had, being able to share my thoughts from God’s word with you each day.

This morning I want to talk to you about encouragement.

We are self-distancing and it’s the right thing to do. However, I miss my kids and my grandkids. Yesterday our youngest daughter contacted us for a Facebook video call. It was so sweet – we were able to have one-on-one time with her and each of our three littlest grandkids. The first words out of Sam’s mouth, he’s 4 1/2yr, was “thank you for sending the baby chick racecar supplies, Besta”.

It’s hard not being close to those we love in challenging times.

Making baby chick racecars is something we do together. It’s becoming an Easter tradition. We were supposed to take Sam camping next week and were going to make them at the campsite. Since we had to cancel those plans, I sent the supplies to his mom so they can make them at home. It really tugged on my heart – I miss them all.

As much as I miss not having my children close I know God misses it even more. He is our loving and gracious Father; He wants his kids close so He can reassure us and calm our fears. He wants to hold us close and dry our tears. His door is always open; we can enter His presence anytime, any hour of the day and He’ll be there waiting.

“Jesus understands every weakness of ours, because he was tempted in every way that we are. But he did not sin! 16 So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved kindness, and we will find help.” Hebrews 4:15-16 CEV

He understands and He is waiting for us to come!

Once we receive encouragement from our Father we should reach out to encourage others. A phone call, a text, a video chat or a note in the mail – all will be welcomed by the receiver. A friend of mine calls her grandkids and has a story time video chat. We all like to know we are being thought of – we all like to know that we are loved and missed! Send along a little prayer or simply say “I love you”. Those are words everyone likes to hear.

“When you talk, don’t say anything bad. But say the good things that people need—whatever will help them grow stronger. Then what you say will be a blessing to those who hear you.” Ephesians 4:29 ERV

Sometimes when we are in the midst of a trying situation our thoughts turn inward. Our thinking might be something like this – “I wish someone would call me and say something kind. Why do I always have to be the one to reach out to others?”. Let’s be honest, there are times when we all have a pity party or think selfishly. Get rid of that kind of thinking, it will destroy you! It will spread like a cancer.

Go to the Father, hand those thoughts over to Him and then follow Jesus instruction.

“Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.” Luke 6:38 MSG

Give some encouragement today; it will bless them and bring a blessing back to you too.

A Father’s Heart

A couple of days ago I asked you to imagine what it might have been like for Jesus when they discussed the plan of restoring relationship with those of us on earth. He had to lay aside everything glorious and heavenly and become common. Now consider this.

Those of us parents who have had children join the military or enter other dangerous occupations know the heart ache, the apprehension and even the fear of having our children go off into the unknown, into hostile and harmful circumstances.

What if we were Father God? Our Son has been with us every moment from eternity past. We have created universes together, have intervened in the lives of our creation in a powerful way. Never a cross word spoken, never a rebellious thought or action – our Son is our dearest friend, He’s a part of all we do and have ever done.

He’s leaving now – headed to earth. “unto us a Son is given” Isaiah 9:6

He will be loved by some, treated with ambivalence by most and hated by others and they will plot to kill Him. Although we know all this, we still choose to let Him go and even more than that, we choose to let Him die so that He can provide restoration for all those who are incapable of providing it for themselves.

“When anyone is in Christ, it is a whole new world. The old things are gone; suddenly, everything is new! 18 All this is from God. Through Christ, God made peace between himself and us. And God gave us the work of bringing people into peace with him. 19 I mean that God was in Christ, making peace between the world and himself. In Christ, God did not hold people guilty for their sins. And he gave us this message of peace to tell people.” II Corinthians 5:17

And all of this was not because of our great value or importance but because of His great love.

“Christ died for us when we were unable to help ourselves. We were living against God, but at just the right time Christ died for us. 7 Very few people will die to save the life of someone else, even if it is for a good person. Someone might be willing to die for an especially good person.But Christ died for us while we were still sinners, and by this God showed how much he loves us.9 We have been made right with God by the blood sacrifice of Christ. So through Christ we will surely be saved from God’s anger.” Romans 5:6-9

“Unto to us a Son is given”! Would you be willing to give your son? Aren’t you glad He did!!

Yeast – A Wonderful Gift

The first part of the month I encouraged you to look for little gifts that God gives us each day. Yesterday one of my gifts came from a bowl of bread dough.

I was making my first batches of cinnamon rolls for the Christmas season. It’s a tradition. I had just gotten the dough mixed when Dave asked me to go with him to get propane. It was a short trip to town. Sure.

Off we went. I knew the dough would rise and be at the perfect height to punch down when I returned. We got delayed by a few minutes and when we got back one batch of dough was running over the edge of the bowl. A real “dough-saster”. I quickly scooped it up, punched it down and let it rise again. Disaster averted. Soon the house smelled of delicious cinnamon rolls baking in the oven.

Now let me show you what I learned. Yeast causes the bread to rise. It is a chemical reaction. It gets big and fluffy and can even run over. Our lives are like that too. We can get all puffed up and get a big head when we allow pride to control us and we can spill over when we don’t keep our tempers in control.

Leaven or yeast was symbolic of something the Jewish people considered unclean. The night of the first Passover they were told to bake their bread without leaven. It was a sign that they could go on a moment’s notice to do what God directed. Their bread didn’t need time to rise, they could go now. Jesus warned the disciples that the teachings of the religious elite would pollute their purpose.

“Why can’t you understand that I’m not talking about bread? So again I say, ‘Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.’” 12 Then at last they understood that he wasn’t speaking about the yeast in bread, but about the deceptive teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Matthew 16:11-12 NLT

I was reminded to keep a sense of humility. What a wonderful gift! A sense or awareness that God wanted me to be ready, on a moments notice, to do for others. He wants me to help them as I can.

“God has given me His loving-favor. This helps me write these things to you. I ask each one of you not to think more of himself than he should think. Instead, think in the right way toward yourself by the faith God has given you. Our bodies are made up of many parts. None of these parts have the same use. There are many people who belong to Christ. And yet, we are one body which is Christ’s. We are all different but we depend on each other. ” Romans 12:3-5 NLV

As we help others we season their lives with the wonderful gift of God’s love.

The Gift List

I’m sure most of us have a “gift list” for December. It has the names of those we hold dear and want to do a little something special for. The love of our life is probably at the top followed by family and friends; somewhere, a little ways down the list could be the names of the neighbors, the kids teacher, the mailman, the garage collectors, the white elephant gift for the office and the secret sister gift.

Now that we’re thinking about the “gift list” let’s redirect our focus just a bit.

In November, I asked you all to join me in making a daily gratitude list. Each day I wrote down at least three things in my journal that I was grateful for from the day before. Yesterday I took time for go back and read those pages. You know what? It made me smile and my day was just that much better.

Since today is December 1st I’m going to ask that you join me in making a new list, the gift list.

Every day we receive small gifts from family, co-workers, even strangers but many times they pass unnoticed. I’m going to make a conscious effort this month to list the gifts I receive.

Those gifts could include a plate of cookies, a cheery phone call, a lunch date or a helping hand, a kind word or a gentle smile. It may be hearing your favorite song on the radio or in a store – just the thing you need to brighten your day. If we look, we will find little gifts everywhere.

“Loving-favor has been given to each one of us. We can see how great it is by the gift of Christ.” Ephesians 4:7 NLV

The most wonderful gift of all, of course, is God’s gift of His Son. Through the life and death of Jesus we have been given mercy, grace and love. Those should be the first gifts we recognize and put on our gift list.

“God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.” John 3:16 CEV

“Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from him. These good gifts come down from the Father who made all the lights in the sky. But God never changes like the shadows from those lights. He is always the same.” James 1:17 ERV

As we go through this month and make our gift list let me encourage you to share what you receive with others. If you receive an act of kindness, share kindness. If someone gives you the gift of patience then share that patience with others. If you receive a box of chocolates or a plate of cookies, share those too. (Said with a smile on my face.)

When we give freely, our gifts may have a life long impact.