How Does Your Garden Grow

Each year about this time I begin to plan my garden. No, it’s not a big garden, just a few rows but I love tending it and watching it grow.


I try to make it better than the previous year’s. Last year I decided to plant both vegetables and flowers in the same garden area. I loved the color of the flowers while I was waiting for the veggies to grow large enough for harvest.

This year I will revamp that a bit and place the flowers in the back row and keep the vegetable up front so they are easier to tend. Since it’s such a small patch there’s no need for a rototiller just a hoe and some good ol’ fashioned hand labor.

We had such a warm winter I was all but ready to get my vegetable starts in the ground and then the last week  turned off cold with frost nearly every morning so I must wait a bit longer. Don’t want the tender plants to get frost bite.

Isn’t that the way life  is for us. We want new experiences, new growth but we don’t want anything to harm the good that we desire to cultivate.  Some of the new growth needs to be pulled out because it will be detrimental to the good that we desire to see. Weeds of jealousy, anger, greed, gossip, bitterness and lying might spring up and have a beautiful flower but they are deadly and must be removed.

Put out of your life all these things: bad feelings about other people, anger, temper, loud talk, bad talk which hurts other people, and bad feelings which hurt other people. 32 You must be kind to each other. Think of the other person. Forgive other people just as God forgave you because of Christ’s death on the cross.” Ephesians 4:31-32 NLV

Jesus taught his disciples that His Word should be treated like seed. Good seed. But if the ground, our hearts, aren’t prepared properly we won’t get the harvest that we desire.

 The seeds that fell among the thornbushes are also people who hear the message. But they start worrying about the needs of this life and are fooled by the desire to get rich. So the message gets choked out, and they never produce anything. 23 The seeds that fell on good ground are the people who hear and understand the message. They produce as much as a hundred or sixty or thirty times what was planted.” Matthew 13:31-33 CEV

So the first thing we do in Gardening 101 is prepare the soil. Break up the dirt clods, remove the rocks, pull out the weeds, fertilize it and then give it a good soaking of water.

If you plant goodness, you will harvest faithful love. Plow your ground, and you will harvest with the Lord. He will come, and he will make goodness fall on you like rain.” Hosea 10:12 ERV

Preparing the soil is dirty work but it is well worth the effort. Get ready for a bountiful harvest!

Got Your “Catchers” On?

I know you’ve experienced it – been on your cell with someone, telling them something that is really important to you and you realize they aren’t listening. When that happens I’ve been tempted to say “I was just stepped on by a huge green elephant” to which I know their reply would be something like “Oh really, that’s nice”. Yep, they’re not listening!

When the kids were little and we wanted them to pay attention to what we were saying we would tell them to “get your catchers on”. That meant we are about to say something you really need to listen to so catch every word we say.

I’ve been doing a lot of listening the last few days. People have needed to talk and they’ve needed someone who was willing to listen. Listening doesn’t mean giving answers or advice, it means listening. Yesterday afternoon, Dave came in and he was telling me something. I had been watching TV so I grabbed the remote, put the program on mute and asked him to repeat what he had said. I wanted to listen and not be distracted.

Just this morning while I was reading Proverbs 23 I came across 4 examples of Solomon giving instruction to listen.

“Listen to your teacher and learn all you can.” Verse 12 ERV

“Open your heart to teaching, and your ears to words of much learning.” Verse 12 NLV

“Listen to instruction and do your best to learn.” Verse 12 CEV

Three different translations saying the same thing – Listen!

Then there was this verse:

“So listen, my son, and be wise. Always be careful to follow the right path.” Verse 19 ERV

And this one:

“Listen to your father. Without him, you would never have been born. Respect your mother, even when she is old. 23 Truth, wisdom, learning, and understanding are worth paying money for. They are worth far too much to ever sell.” Verse 22 & 23

And finally,

“My son, pay close attention, and gladly follow my example.” Verse 26

You see that? Solomon was making sure we had our catchers on. Jesus did the same thing with his teaching. He gave his followers a head’s up during his sermons. It went something like this:

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3 KJV

Repeating the phrase verily, verily was not a waste of words, it was spoken for emphasis and it meant I am telling you a great truth, listen up, pay attention. As you read through the Bible look for these clues. It’s ALL important and we can learn something from each Scripture we read but take to heart when the writer says listen.

When I was in high school I was on the speech team and loved going to competitions. I was assigned a topic once and needed to explain the difference between hearing and listening. We all hear, unless we are impaired but we don’t all listen.

“Hearing is simply the act of perceiving sound by the ear. If you are not hearing-impaired, hearing simply happens. Listening, however, is something you consciously choose to do. Listening requires concentration so that your brain processes meaning from words and sentences.” University of Minnesota, Duluth

The King James Bible is written in Old English and is filled with words like thee, thou, come hither, whithersoever, etc. and can be a little more difficult to understand but there is one phrase that I really like, “hearken diligently”. Simply put it means to listen up.

“Listen to and obey (hearken diligently) all the Laws I am telling you today. Love the Lord your God. Work for Him with all your heart and soul. If you do, 14 He will give the rain for your land at the right times, the early and late rain. So you may gather in your grain, your new wine and your oil. 15 He will give grass in your fields for your cattle. And you will eat and be filled. 16 Be careful not to let your hearts be fooled so you turn away and work for other gods and worship them.” Deuteronomy 11:13-16 NLV

God promises to bring blessings into our lives when we “hearken diligently” to His word. He has so many good things for us, we need to listen.

I’ve encouraged you in the past and will again, when you are reading the Bible don’t focus on how much you read, rather concentrate on the content. What you are reading is really God talking to you. Are you listening?

Get your catchers on!

Beggar or Believer

We’re at my Mom’s this morning in Yuma and I slept in. Since I have been sharing with you things the Lord has used as teaching experiences in my life I will be recycling this devotional from a few years back. Such a valuable lesson I learned from the Lord while waiting. The thing I was “begging” for was our move to Arizona. It took another year of living by faith and believing God to change the circumstances. But before He changed my living situation He changed my heart!

So yesterday, I had a situation I was talking to God about for most of the day. Ok, let’s be perfectly honest; I was badgering and almost begging because it seems it has been SO long and I haven’t seen any change in the situation. Anyway, on the last time I was reminding God of how important this was and I knew He had the power to correct and change it, I had this thought come up – are you a beggar or a believer?

What! A beggar or a believer?!

Ohhhh I’m sorry. Show me how to stop begging because I really thought I was believing.

Then examples from the Bible started flooding my thoughts. I love it when God speaks up on the inside and starts teaching me. First let’s start at the beginning.

Jesus had the perfect example of a “believer’s” mindset and we are to have the same mind or type of thinking as Christ, so we need to follow his instruction.

“Jesus told his disciples: Have faith in God! 23 If you have faith in God and don’t doubt, you can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will.” Mark 11:22-23

In the Old Testament there is a story about a famine in the land and 4 lepers who had to sit outside the city gate. (II Kings 7) People were starving inside the city, and the lepers were starving outside. It didn’t matter how much they begged no one had food to share so they devised a plan; they would go to the enemy and ask for food. “And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die?” II Kings 7:4

Faith without works is dead – so they took action, went to the enemy and God did the rest. He confused the army, they began killing each other and then the rest of them fled, leaving all the food, tents, horses, gold, etc. for the lepers to enjoy. This one act of desperation brought salvation of the whole nation. They went from begging to believing.

In the New Testament we find similar stories. There was a blind beggar, Bartimaeus, who sat begging at the roadside. He heard a group of people coming his way so he cried out for alms and someone told him it was Jesus and to hush. But he cried out louder for Jesus to have mercy on him. Jesus told him to come and when he rose up to go to Jesus, he threw off his “beggar’s” garment and went. Jesus asked, what do you want. Bartimaeus said, to receive my sight (not begging but believing) and Jesus said go your way, your FAITH has made you whole. (Mark 10)

Then there was the lame man at the Gate Beautiful who had been there begging alms all his adult life. He saw Peter and John coming to the temple and began begging from them. Peter said “We don’t have any silver or gold to give you today but what we do have we’ll give to you. In the name of Jesus, rise up and walk”. (Acts 4) Immediately he jumped up and began walking.

“You see this man, and you know him. He put his faith in the name of Jesus and was made strong. Faith in Jesus made this man completely well while everyone was watching.” Acts 4:16

And now here’s another viewpoint on begging and believing. The poor man begged for food and the rich man had faith in his own abilities, his talents, his business dealings. He was a self-made man. Lazarus begged from crumbs from a rich man’s table and Lazarus died. The rich man also died.

“And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;” Luke 16:22.

The verses go on to say that the rich man was in torment and he “begged” for Lazarus to bring him some water. However, that wasn’t possible. The rich man had faith in the wrong things – he had faith in himself. Jesus said we are to have faith in God.

There are several more examples I could share but I think you get the picture. Begging indicates a lack of faith, an uncertainty that what we are asking will get done. You’ve seen little kids beg their parents for something; they are insistent – please, please, please, pretty please with chocolate on it…

But faith is confident. We don’t dictate to Him, but simply tell Him about the need and believe in faith, that it will be taken care of. So I will ask you the same question I had to answer yesterday. Are you a beggar or a believer?

Have faith in God!

“I write this letter to you who believe in the Son of God. I write so that you will know that you have eternal life now. 14 We can come to God with no doubts. This means that when we ask God for things (and those things agree with what God wants for us), God cares about what we say. 15 He listens to us every time we ask him. So we know that he gives us whatever we ask from him.” I John 5:13-15

Keep It Sweet

When our oldest daughter was in kindergarten, the alphabet circled the room. Each letter of the alphabet had a scripture verse to learn with it. Each verse started with a different letter of the alphabet and all these years later I still remember the verse for the letter “D”.

“14 Do everything without complaining or arguing.” Philippians 2:14

Do ALL things without complaining…Really God, ALL things! Yes, all things. Because as the verse goes on to say we will then be a light in the dark world. If we, who believe in Christ Jesus, and have received His wonderful gift of sonship go about complaining all the time, what will set us apart from the world? How will they know that there is victory and hope if our lives don’t reflect that Christ is living in us.

“15 so that you will be blameless and pure, children of God without any fault. But you are living with evil people all around you, who have lost their sense of what is right. Among those people you shine like lights in a dark world,” Philippians 2:15

It’s so easy to complain about our kids, our mates, our jobs, our health, our finances, the politicians, the weather, etc., but we must resist that temptation and live in what God called us to do.

Paul, who wrote this verse while he was in prison, had been beaten, shipwrecked, stoned, and run out of nearly every town he preached in but he didn’t complain. In fact, he would sing and praise God in the midst of his adversities. He called them “light afflictions”.

When we start to complain about having to pick up after the kids again – remember those who have no children and would dearly love to clean up a mess. Those without a job…those who have lost a mate to death or unwanted divorce…those battling serious health issues…those who live in a country where you are imprisoned for speaking out against the gov’t or even shot in the streets.

King Solomon wrote in Proverbs that having a joyful heart, a heart that is void of complaining, was like having a good medicine.

“Happiness is good medicine, but sorrow is a disease.” Proverbs 17:23 ERV

There was a Disney movie in the late 1950’s called Pollyanna. Pollyanna always had something good to say no matter  how bad the situation was. She brought gladness to the most sullen souls in town. Her attitude helped people see past their disappointments and brought them healing from their pain.

“Your words can be as satisfying as fruit, as pleasing as the food that fills your stomach. 21 The tongue can speak words that bring life or death. Those who love to talk must be ready to accept what it brings.” Proverbs 18:20-21 ERV

When we speak words of life, words without complaining we are a testament to God’s power in our lives. We have so much to be thankful for – to do all things without murmuring or complaining (old English terms)! And rejoice in the Lord always because He is the one who can and will cause us to be victorious.

Things Are Going to Pop!

Since early yesterday afternoon we have been blessed with a gentle rain. Just exactly what this country needs!

The Spring rains moisten the soil and bring everything back to life. This desert is going to start to pop with color. It’s a beautiful sight. I just love it! But what I love even more is the growth that I see when the Word of God begins to pop with color in my life. I know I’m growing when that happens.

You know that when you face a situation or a circumstance that was a real struggle for you before and this time you “just happen” to remember a verse that you read or you stop to pray when you didn’t before – that’s growth!

Jesus told this story to his disciples.

“3 Then Jesus said to the followers, “Do you understand this story? If you don’t, how will you understand any story? 14 The farmer is like someone who plants God’s teaching in people. 15 Sometimes the teaching falls on the path. That is like some people who hear the teaching of God. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the teaching that was planted in them.

16 “Other people are like the seed planted on rocky ground. They hear the teaching, and they quickly and gladly accept it. 17 But they don’t allow it to go deep into their lives. They keep it only a short time. As soon as trouble or persecution comes because of the teaching they accepted, they give up.

18 “Others are like the seed planted among the thorny weeds. They hear the teaching, 19 but their lives become full of other things: the worries of this life, the love of money, and everything else they want. This keeps the teaching from growing, and it does not produce a crop[a] in their lives.

20 “And others are like the seed planted on the good ground. They hear the teaching and accept it. Then they grow and produce a good crop—sometimes 30 times more, sometimes 60 times more, and sometimes 100 times more.” Mark 4:13-20 ERV

I really enjoy getting my garden ready each Spring. It isn’t a big garden at all, only about 4’x12’ but it’s a healthy garden with peppers, tomatoes and flowers. Yes, I mix them all together. Flowers in the back and veggies in the front. Then I have my flower pots and cactus garden that welcome in the bees and the hummingbirds. It’s so much fun to watch the vegetable plants flower because that means there will be fruit. Patience is required. And then we enjoy the harvest as I make salsa.

God’s word is seed that we can plant in our hearts and it will bring in a harvest of His blessings! It is my hope and my desire that as we have covered some of these promises that God has made to us, you have taken them and planted them so they can begin to grow. There is no instant growth. You have to be patient, protect the plants when they are young, water them with prayer, wait for them to flower and produce fruit. Aw, but it is so rewarding! Worry leaves, it’s been pulled out like a weed and peace comes. Condemning thoughts are removed and confidence in God’s love grows tall. Sorrow withers and dies and the vine of joy climbs higher and higher blossoming as it grows.

That’s what this Christian life is all about – growing!

“Since the day we heard these things about you, we have continued praying for you. This is what we pray:

that God will make you completely sure of what he wants by giving you all the wisdom and spiritual understanding you need; 10 that this will help you live in a way that brings honor to the Lord and pleases him in every way; that your life will produce good works of every kind and that you will grow in your knowledge of God; 11 that God will strengthen you with his own great power, so that you will be patient and not give up when troubles come.

Then you will be happy 12 and give thanks to the Father. He has made you able to have what he has promised to give all his holy people, who live in the light. 13 God made us free from the power of darkness. And he brought us into the kingdom of his dear Son.” Colossians 1:9-13 ERV

You see, God has made everything he has promised available to you. He wants your life to produce good things. There are some verses from the Old Testament that I want to share with you in closing today. This is a list of promises that Moses was giving to the Israelites right before they went into their promised land. God had a list of blessings for them and God has also made those blessings available to us.

“1-2 Today I am giving you the laws and teachings of the Lord your God. Always obey them, and the Lord will make Israel the most famous and important nation on earth, and he will bless you in many ways.

3 The Lord will make your businesses and your farms successful. 4 You will have many children. You will harvest large crops, and your herds of cattle and flocks of sheep and goats will produce many young. 5 You will have plenty of breadto eat. 6 The Lord will make you successful in your daily work. 7 The Lord will help you defeat your enemies and make them scatter in all directions. 8 The Lord your God is giving you the land, and he will make sure you are successful in everything you do. Your harvests will be so large that your storehouses will be full.

9 If you follow and obey the Lord, he will make you his own special people, just as he promised. 10 Then everyone on earth will know that you belong to the Lord, and they will be afraid of you. 11 The Lord will give you a lot of children and make sure that your animals give birth to many young. The Lord promised your ancestors that this land would be yours, and he will make it produce large crops for you.

12 The Lord will open the storehouses of the skies where he keeps the rain, and he will send rain on your land at just the right times. He will make you successful in everything you do. You will have plenty of money to lend to other nations, but you won’t need to borrow any yourself.

13 Obey the laws and teachings that I’m giving you today, and the Lord your God will make Israel a leader among the nations, and not a follower. Israel will be wealthy and powerful, not poor and weak. 14 But you must not reject any of his laws and teachings or worship other gods.” Deuteronomy 28:1-14 CEV

As I said at the beginning, the rain is falling, the seeds are planted and blessings are beginning to pop! Thank God for the harvest.

A Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep like a baby…it may seem strange for me to be talking to you about sleep. I know, I’m the one who rises early and doesn’t seem to require a lot of sleep and maybe it’s because I have learned these verses.

“I can lie down and sleep soundly because you, Lord, will keep me safe.” Psalm 4:8 CEV

I hear so many people talking asking “how’d you sleep last night”. It’s big business – specialized mattresses, memory foam pillows, just the right comforter and if all those fail then there are the sleep aids. We are obsessed with getting a good night’s sleep and rightfully so. Our bodies need rest to reenergize. Our brains need sleep so that we can function with clear headed alertness. Yes, sleep is important and since it is, God has something to say about it.

“It is a waste of time to get up early and stay up late, trying to make a living. The Lord provides for those he loves, even while they are sleeping.” Psalm 127:2 ERV

Many times we lose sleep because we are working so hard that we just don’t have time. Or we get so anxious over what needs to be done to provide for our families that we just have to stay up a few more hours to get this project done. A good work ethic is important. The things we do should be done right and done well. However, we sometimes put more pressure on ourselves than we should. “If I don’t get this done…”

The Lord is the one who provides us with the job/career we have. He is the one who has given us the abilities we possess and ultimately it is the Lord who is our provider. Our jobs may be one avenue of income but God is our source. Lie down at night with a prayer on your lips “Lord, thank you for giving me restful sleep tonight so that I can wake up refreshed in the morning. Ready for another day of honoring you.” You’ll be amazed at how well you sleep.

Roll all the cares and worries of the day over on Him. He has big shoulders and his solutions are better than yours so He can solve the problems that are facing you.

“ Come to Me, all of you who work and have heavy loads. I will give you rest. 29 Follow My teachings and learn from Me. I am gentle and do not have pride. You will have rest for your souls. 30 For My way of carrying a load is easy and My load is not heavy.” Matthew 11:28-30 NLV

The Lord desires to carry those things that weigh us down and cause us to worry and in turn to lose sleep. Jesus certainly faced as many stressful and anxious moments as we do but He was able to sleep in the middle of those storms. We should follow His example and handle our storms the same way.

“ A very bad wind came up on the lake. The waves were coming over the sides and into the boat, and it was almost full of water. 38 Jesus was inside the boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The followers went and woke him. They said, “Teacher, don’t you care about us? We are going to drown!”39 Jesus stood up and gave a command to the wind and the water. He said, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind stopped, and the lake became calm.40 He said to his followers, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:37-40 ERV

I can hear someone saying “Ya, but that was Jesus. I’m not him and I’ve got big problems.” Ok, so let’s look at a guy with big problems, Peter. He’s about to be tried in court and possibly executed; he fell asleep, peaceful sleep.

“One night, Peter, bound with two chains, was sleeping between two of the soldiers. More soldiers were guarding the door of the jail. Herod was planning to bring Peter out before the people the next day. 7 Suddenly an angel of the Lord was standing there, and the room was filled with light. The angel tapped Peter on the side and woke him up. The angel said, “Hurry, get up!” The chains fell off Peter’s hands.” Acts 12:6-7 ERV

When I was a young child my sleep was plagued with nightmares. All sorts of monstrous and horrible images filled my dreams. I would wake up frightened many nights. On the worst occasions I remember going in and asking my Mom if I could sleep with them. She would comfort me and take me back to bed and then I would be ok.

After I became a mother I would pray over my little ones as I put them to bed. “you will rest without a worry and sleep soundly” I put the Father in charge of their sleep. It made their nights and mine more restful.

“My child, use common sense and sound judgment! Always keep them in mind. 22 They will help you to live a long and beautiful life. 23 You will walk safely and never stumble; 24 you will rest without a worry and sleep soundly.25 So don’t be afraid of sudden disasters or storms that strike those who are evil.” Proverbs 4:21-25 ERV

If you face nights without sleep I encourage you to choose one of the verses above and tell the Lord when you go to bed, “Lord, this is your promise and you don’t lie so I’m depending on what you said for a good night’s sleep”.

You know there are times, few and far between, when my sleep is uneasy or absent and that’s when I go back and remind myself of these verses. Then there are many times, like the other morning, when I get up in the middle of the night to pray. That’s different. But whether it’s sleep or strength I have learned to trust God to provide exactly what I need.

Rest well dear ones. Sleep in peace!

Living A Life of Health

We can’t leave Psalm 103 just yet. Yesterday we just looked at a couple of the promises that the Lord had for us this. This morning I want us to look again at verse 3.

“He forgives all our sins and heals all our sicknesses.” Psalm 103:3 CEV

I was really amazed the first time I read this verse. As I said yesterday, I knew God would forgive my sins but no one had ever told me that He would heal me from sickness. Having grown up in Sunday School I had heard the stories of people Jesus had healed in the Bible. There were some lepers, lame men, some who were blind, a woman with a bleeding problem, a couple people who had died and been raised to life again and then scores who had various sicknesses and diseases.

I believed that Jesus did miracles but I had no confidence that He would heal me. There you have it – So as I heard people start to teach about healing and say that God wanted me well I was skeptical. I had the mindset that maybe God would and maybe He wouldn’t but when I read this verse there was no getting around the word ALL.

“Jesus went everywhere in the country of Galilee. He taught in the synagogues and told the Good News about God’s kingdom. And he healed all the people’s diseases and sicknesses. 24 The news about Jesus spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all those who were sick. They were suffering from different kinds of diseases and pain. Some had demons inside them, some suffered from seizures, and some were paralyzed. Jesus healed them all.” Matthew 4:23-24 CEV

There it was again – ALL.

“From there, Jesus went along Lake Galilee. Then he climbed a hill and sat down. 30 Large crowds came and brought many people who were crippled or blind or lame or unable to talk. They placed them, and many others, in front of Jesus, and he healed them all. 31 Everyone was amazed at what they saw and heard. People who had never spoken could now speak. The lame were healed, the crippled could walk, and the blind were able to see. Everyone was praising the God of Israel.” Matthew 15:29-31 CEV

I was beginning to see this “all” in a new light but my mind was telling me that this was for the Bible days when Jesus was in his physical body and physically touching people. Jesus wasn’t physically in front of me, could I be healed like this?

“My son, listen to my words. Turn your ear to my sayings. 21 Do not let them leave your eyes. Keep them in the center of your heart. 22 For they are life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.” Proverbs 4:20-22 NLV

By listening to and reading God’s word I had learned about forgiveness. I learned about healing the same way, it came from God’s word. Jesus never turned anyone away who came to Him for healing. In fact He sent his disciples out as his representatives with a command to heal. It was all part of what He came to do – forgiveness, healing and peace of mind.

“When you go, tell them this: ‘God’s kingdom is now very near.’ 8 Heal the sick. Bring the dead back to life. Heal the people who have leprosy. And force demons out of people. I give you these powers freely, so help others freely.” Matthew 10:7-8 ERV

As I studied I found that the Lord had provided both forgiveness and healing. It was His will for me.

“The fact is, it was our suffering he took on himself; he bore our pain. But we thought that God was punishing him, that God was beating him for something he did. 5 But he was being punished for what we did. He was crushed because of our guilt. He took the punishment we deserved, and this brought us peace. We were healed because of his pain. 6 We had all wandered away like sheep. We had gone our own way. And yet the Lord put all our guilt on him.” Isaiah 53:4-6 CEV

There are so many more verses that I could give on healing and it being God’s will for us but I won’t list them now. I hope that you will begin to see that you can go to the Father when you body is weakened by sickness and disease and receive healing just like you receive forgiveness. I began trusting the Lord for healing over 40 years ago. I started out small – praying over a headache, a toothache, the sniffles. Through the years I have seen my body healed, my children, my husband, friends and strangers. Health has become a way of life.

Yes, I have physical health issues from time to time. Yes, I go to the doctor for their help when needed. Doctors aren’t evil – medicine isn’t bad but I pray first. I get the Lord working on my healing before I trust it to anyone else. And then I don’t just trust Him for healing, I trust Him for health. It’s great to be healed from some sickness or disease but it’s even better not to be sick in the first place.

There is so much to share and I’m limited by the length of a blog but I told you I would share with you the verses that I have written on my cards. These are some of those verses. I will close with a prayer that the Apostle John prayed. It is my prayer for you…

“My dear friend, I know that you are doing well spiritually. So I pray that everything else is going well with you and that you are enjoying good health.” III John 2 ERV

How Far Is East From West

I’d like to pose a question to you this morning. How far is the East from the West?

If you start to travel north from where you are now, how far will you go before you are heading south? You will only go north until you come to the North Pole and then you will head south to the South Pole. Once at the South Pole the process of going north will repeat again. Now, how far east do you have to go before you begin going west? Picture a globe of the world in your mind, head east, keep going until you start going west and then stop. Unlike north/south travel east/west will continue on. A remedial example but it’s pertinent to today’s verses.

“With all my heart I praise the Lord, and with all that I am I praise his holy name!
2 With all my heart I praise the Lord! I will never forget how kind he has been.

3 The Lord forgives our sins, heals us when we are sick, 4 and protects us from death. His kindness and love are a crown on our heads.
5 Each day that we live, he provides for our needs and gives us the strength of a young eagle.

6 For all who are mistreated, the Lord brings justice.
7 He taught his Law to Moses and showed all Israel what he could do.

8 The Lord is merciful! He is kind and patient, and his love never fails.
9 The Lord won’t always be angry and point out our sins; 10 he doesn’t punish us as our sins deserve.

11 How great is God’s love for all who worship him? Greater than the distance between heaven and earth!
12 How far has the Lord taken our sins from us? Farther than the distance from east to west!” Psalm 103:1-12 CEV

This is one of my favorite Psalms and I’ve only listed about half the verses in the Psalm. I encourage you to read the whole Psalm and have provided a link for you here.

Each morning I spent time thanking the Father for His goodness and blessings. Look at this, forgiveness from all our sins – healing all our diseases – protection – strength – justice.

I had grown up with teachings on forgiveness. After all that’s the reason Jesus came. He died so I could be forgiven. But I wasn’t as familiar with these other blessings, not familiar at all. In fact, I had heard it said that God would make you sick to teach you a lesson and that He might cause your business to fail to keep you from becoming greedy. God, the Father, has been blamed for so much that He has never done.

He is patient, kind, his love never runs out. He’s not angry with us and He doesn’t give us what we deserve. In fact, He removes our sins from us. That means when He forgives, he forgets! The worse thing that you’ve ever done has been forgiven and removed. Amazing!

God wants relationship with us; he’s not holding us at arm’s length. Just the opposite. He is drawing us in, welcoming us, embracing us. No matter or circumstance He is here to provide us with what we need. Yesterday I needed strength, today I need protection, tomorrow I may need healing – whatever my need the Father wants to take care of it.

No wonder King David said with all my heart I will praise the Lord. God hasn’t changed since David’s time so let’s join in on that praise today!

If You’ve Ever Been in Need – This is a Must Read!

Years back when I began writing verses on index cards and really began to trust God to keep His promises, I needed to know that God loved me. I knew that He loved the whole world; I knew that Jesus died for me but I needed to know that God loved me enough to think about me each day, to be concerned with what was going on in my family and I needed to know that He truly wanted my life to be good.

Maybe you’re not there but I was. I was desperate to experience God’s love every day!

We were in a real hard place financially. Not sure how many of you have ever been there but it’s not good. We were working hard, trying to make ends meet but we were falling short, way short, every month. We had two pre-teen kids and a new baby. We lived in AZ where our monthly summertime utility bill was more than our house payment. And we knew that the Bible said God would supply all our needs but we definitely weren’t experiencing it.

One day, in the midst of all this, our son came, looked in the refrigerator and it was empty. Not much more than the condiments in the refrigerator door. He looked at me and say very matter of fact-ly, “Mom, you need to go grocery shopping. We’re about out of everything.” He closed the fridge and headed back outside to play.

With that, I walked into the other room where I wouldn’t be seen, sat down on the floor and began to weep! I was devastated. My son was right, we needed groceries but I knew that we had no money and no way to buy any. I cried out to the Lord. “Lord, you HAVE to do SOMETHING. I need to have food for my kids.” Dave and I had learned to fast but the kids needed food.

And then I heard in my heart, “Kristi, come to me with the same confidence that Koy came to you. You don’t need to complain or cry or be worried about any of it. I’m your Dad, just ask confidently, like your son did, and watch me provide.” I was stunned! I had been going to God like some undeserving beggar and He wanted me to ask like a child, making a request to my Father.

“Because you are the sons of God, He has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts. The Spirit cries, “Father!” 7 So now you are no longer a servant who is owned by someone. You are a son. If you are a son, then you will receive what God has promised through Christ.” Galatians 4:6-7 NLV

It was then those verses I used a few days ago came flooding back into my memory.

“Do not worry. Do not keep saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or, ‘What will we drink?’ or, ‘What will we wear?’ 32 The people who do not know God are looking for all these things. Your Father in heaven knows you need all these things. 33 First of all, look for the holy nation of God. Be right with Him. All these other things will be given to you also.” Matthew 6:31-33 NLV

And these:

“A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” (spoken by Jesus) John 10:10 CEV

“Let us go with complete trust to the throne of God. We will receive His loving-kindness and have His loving-favor to help us whenever we need it.” Hebrews 4:16 NLV

Yes, I know I used these verses in the last few days but you see, if you’re going to live victoriously in God’s word the verses have to be the first thing that come to mind. You need to be confident that God won’t lie and that He will keep his promises! If not, worry will overwhelm and fear will prevail.

I’ve heard it said that you won’t truly learn a foreign language until you are no longer translating your conversation in your head. It has to roll out without thinking about it. That’s the way it is with learning God’s language, His word, it has to be so ingrained that it’s the first thing we think of in any given situation. And if not the first, then it needs to take precedence over that first thought. The Apostle Paul calls it a renewed mind.

“Dear friends, God is good. So I beg you to offer your bodies to him as a living sacrifice, pure and pleasing. That’s the most sensible way to serve God. 2 Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him.” Romans 12:1-2 CEV

Now back to that conversation in my kitchen. My son didn’t tell me all that he had done to “deserve” me going to the grocery store and buying him some food. He didn’t say, “Mom, I’ve cleaned my room, been nice to my sisters, I helped Dad in the yard so would you please, pretty please, go to the store and buy some groceries”. No he was just confident that if he told me we needed to fill the fridge I would do something about it.

So as I sat there I gave the Lord my grocery list. I told Him everything we needed. We could use some bread, eggs, milk, meat, veggies, butter, coffee, cereal. And then I said, “Lord, I don’t know how you’re going to get this but I know you’ll come by it honestly. Thank you for providing.” And I got up, went back to the kitchen and finished the dishes.

The next day shortly after breakfast there was a knock on our door. Friends who lived over 30 miles away had come for a visit. “We’re just in the neighborhood” is what they said. Then our friend told Dave he had something in the car he needed help with. His wife and I sat in the kitchen and began to visit. The next thing I knew, they were coming through the door with bags of groceries. Everything that was on my list and more! Even now as I’m telling you this my eyes are filling with tears!

God is good – God is faithful – God can be trusted!

I would love to tell you that was the end of our financial struggles but it wasn’t. It has been a lifetime of trusting God to provide. Sometimes worry has gotten the upper hand, sometimes we have tried to “fix” it ourselves and only made matters worse. But every time we have returned to confidently trusting in the Lord and His promises He has provided.

Is it important to get God’s word in your heart? Absolutely! Is God’s word true? Unequivocally!

Now you have a little more insight into who I am and why I trust God – He loves me and He has provided for my family!

You can trust Him too!

Like a New Baby

This is how I spent most of my afternoon and evening yesterday. What a joy!

And no matter how hard I would try, I would never be able to count the number of those fine, tiny hairs on the top of Kristine’s head. Holding her in my arms, I watched her breathe, listened to her squeek, felt her wiggle and stretch

and was just totally amazed at the miracle of life.

Some days I feel unprepared, insecure and vulnerable just like a new baby and other days I feel like I have things handled and am as strong as Samson. But no matter what the circumstances of the day I have a promise from my heavenly Father.

“When birds are sold, two small birds cost only a penny. But not even one of those little birds can die without your Father knowing it. 30 God even knows how many hairs are on your head. 31 So don’t be afraid. You are worth more than a whole flock of birds.” Matthew 10:29-31 ERV

That promise is to all of us who are His children! Our Father is watching over us, just like I was watching Kristine and He tells us to “fear not” because we are dearly loved.