Sweet Perfume

I was reading a verse that I have taught on numerous times this morning and a greater understanding of that verse jumped off the page.

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in victory through Christ. God uses us to spread his knowledge everywhere like a sweet-smelling perfume.” II Corinthians 2:14 NLV

My oldest granddaughter and I share this verse with just one word – ALWAYS! In the King James version it is translated “always triumph”. And that’s what I have taught on many times but this morning’s focus was on the second half of the verse.

The sweet perfume.

When I read those words I was reminded of Mary, who came in to a dinner where Jesus was enjoying the evening’s repasse with his disciples and Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. Lazarus was her brother. She wanted to honor Jesus. He had caused her brother to triumph over death.

In her hands she carried a box of expensive perfume. Mary poured the perfume on Jesus’ feet and then wiped them with her hair. The fragrance filled the room. Judas Iscariot protested that the perfume should have been sold and the money given to the poor. Jesus silenced him and said that her actions were actually preparing him for his burial.

“Jesus answered, “Don’t stop her. It was right for her to save this perfume for today—the day for me to be prepared for burial.” John 12:7 ERV

Mary left that place with the odor of sweet perfume in her hair. I’m sure that when she went to the marketplace the next day, Mary took with her that sweet smell of her worship of the Lord. I’m sure that when asked “what’s that fragrance you are wearing” she told of Jesus and her encounter with Him. She spread the knowledge of relationship with the Lord, the triumph over death.

The sweet smelling perfume!

Another thought that came to mind was the instruction that the Lord gave in the Old Testament about the sacrifices they offered.

“I am building a temple where the Lord my God will be worshiped. Sweet-smelling incense will be burned there, and sacred bread will be offered to him. Worshipers will offer sacrifices to the Lord every morning and evening, every Sabbath, and on the first day of each month, as well as during all our religious festivals. These things will be done for all time, just as the Lord has commanded.” II Chronicles 2:4 CEV

Sweet-smelling incense was a part of the sacrifice offering.

When the Jewish people smelled the incense they knew that sacrifices were being made. Praise and repentance were taking place and the sweet odor from the incense made them aware of what the Lord had done. When their children or foreigners in their midst ask “what’s that sweet smell” they were able to tell of their wonderful God who delivered them from Egypt and helped them defeat their enemies.

I believe that this is what Paul is referring to here as he writes to the Christians in the church at Corinth. When the world sees the victories that we experience in Christ, we always triumph, our praise of God and His power rises like a sweet-smelling perfume. And when people ask “why do you always have such a sweet disposition” “why don’t you worry or fret” we can share the knowledge of God who always causes us to triumph!

Let the sweet smell of God’s love and goodness permeate the atmosphere of your world.

Pray About Everything

I had the sweetest experience a few days back while I was at the post office. Yes, the post office.

I had gone in to mail a book to a friend, little did I know this was one of those divine appointments. I was being set-up by the Father.

This one particular clerk at the post office always has a smile on her face and she greets everyone with a “good morning mi hija” or “good morning mi hijo”. If you’re not familiar with the terms, they are terms of affection which mean good morning my daughter or my son.

Well…I handed her my package and she gave me the amount that was owed. I pulled three one dollar bills from my wallet and handed them to her. Her response was what made that meeting a “God meeting”. She said, “You are an answer to my prayers”. The dialogue went like this:


“Oh yes. I only had three one dollar bills left in my drawer and I told God I needed more.”

“I like being the answer to someone’s prayers. That makes me feel good. I have more ones in my wallet. Would you like to have them also?”

“Please”. and with that I gave her another fifteen one dollar bills. As I was leaving she said, “I’m serious, you are an answer to my prayers. Some people think that’s silly but I really believe I can tell God what I need and He will give me the answer. Today it was you”.

“That’s not silly at all. I believe that way too. I’m so glad you told me I was the answer to your prayer. God is so good!”

Was this something big or miraculous? No. Could anyone have been used to bring this sweet clerk more one dollar bills? Yes. However, I was the one who got to be the answer to her prayer that day and I will have a connection with her in the future.

There are not big and small requests for our Father. Just His children bringing Him the needs of their lives. One day it’s the need for more bills in the till and the next it may be a healing of cancer. Whatever it is, we can be assured that our Father is listening and He is always there to provide the answer.

“Always be full of joy. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Whatever happens, always be thankful. This is how God wants you to live in Christ Jesus. 19 Don’t stop the work of the Holy Spirit.” I Thessalonians 5:16-19 ERV

What is on your heart today? Hand it over to the Lord in prayer and then be thankful.

“Turn to the Lord for help in everything you do, and you will be successful.” Proverbs 16:3 ERV

Staying Focused

Some mornings I get up and have to put drops in my eyes. They have gotten dry during the night and it becomes hard to focus. The drops do the trick and after a few blinks I begin to see things clearly.

What helps you focus at the beginning of each day?

For me it’s rising to the quiet of the house, brewing coffee and taking time to listen to the Holy Spirit. It hasn’t always been that way but now it has become my strength and the purpose for my life.

I remember those time when my world was selfishly all about me, doing what I wanted without any guidance from the Father. “I could handle this. I didn’t need any outside help.” I never really thought to ask for His help or His direction. I just got up and ran things my way. Oh, I was so wrong, so very wrong.

“At noon the whole country became dark. The darkness continued for three hours. 46 About three o’clock Jesus cried out loudly, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” This means “My God, my God, why have you left me alone?” Matthew 27:45-46 ERV

Jesus spent his entire earthly stay focusing on the Father, doing the Father’s will and bringing glory to Him. Now in the darkness Jesus knew that He had been forsaken or left alone! This broke Jesus’ heart.

God the Father had to turn His focus away from Jesus, his beloved Son, to us so that Jesus could pay the penalty for our sin on the cross. At that time the Father put us and our relationship ahead of His love for Jesus. We became His primary focus.

“But Christ died for us while we were still sinners, and by this God showed how much he loves us.” Romans 5:8 ERV

“Christ had no sin, but God made him become sin so that in Christ we could be right with God.” II Corinthians 5:20 ERV

The experience of that separation from the Father was almost unbearable to Jesus. He paid the supreme sacrifice. Not only was the Father’s focus on us and the relationship we can have with Him but it was also what Jesus was focusing on.

“Let us keep looking to Jesus. Our faith comes from Him and He is the One Who makes it perfect. He did not give up when He had to suffer shame and die on a cross. He knew of the joy that would be His later. Now He is sitting at the right side of God. Sinful men spoke words of hate against Christ. He was willing to take such shame from sinners. Think of this so you will not get tired and give up.” Hebrews 12:2-3 NLV

Whether your quiet time is first thing in the morning or another time during the day stop and think what it cost for you to have this wonderful privledge of coming into the Father’s presence. Make it your focus! Don’t take it for granted.

“May you have loving-favor and peace from Jesus Christ Who is faithful in telling the truth. Jesus Christ is the first to be raised from the dead. He is the head over all the kings of the earth. He is the One Who loves us and has set us free from our sins by His blood. Christ has made us a holy nation of religious leaders who can go to His God and Father. He is the One to receive honor and power forever! Let it be so.” Revelation 1:5-6 NLV

This amazing relationship is available to all, to whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. He is worthy of our focused attention – He is worthy of it all!

Family Legacy

What do you pass down from generation to generation? What family stories are forefront; which recipes; which photographs or printed articles?

Yesterday I was privilged to sit and watch the Prayer March with my mother. At ninety-seven her memory is beginning to fail but she remembered some of the clips that were shown of Billy Graham crusades from fifty years ago. She and my father left us a family legacy of faith in God, dependence on His word and commitment to prayer.

It’s at times like these I ask myself what are my children and grandchildren learning from me? It’s important to me that they know how good God is and how many times I would have been overtaken by despair and discouragement if my Father God had not been my source of strength!

When there was no one else to depend on, when hope was all but gone, when situations looked disastrous He was there! When things were good and grand, when blessings were obvious, when I felt strong and at ease He was there! Times of health and healing, prosperity and lack, courage and disappointment, joy and heartbreak, purposeful direction and aimless wandering – through all of these He was and still is there!

I can think of nothing greater that I can leave them as a family legacy than my dependence on and trust in the Lord and His word.

“I will praise You, my God and King. I will honor Your name forever and ever. I will honor You every day, and praise Your name forever and ever. The Lord is great and our praise to Him should be great. He is too great for anyone to understand. Families of this time will praise Your works to the families-to-come. They will tell about Your powerful acts. I will think about the shining-greatness of Your power and about Your great works. Men will speak of Your powerful acts that fill us with fear. And I will tell of Your greatness. Many words will come from their mouths about how good You are. They will sing for joy about how right You are.

The Lord is full of loving-favor and pity, slow to anger and great in loving-kindness. The Lord is good to all. And His loving-kindness is over all His works. 10 All Your works will give thanks to You, O Lord. And all those who belong to You will honor You. 11 They will speak of the shining-greatness of Your holy nation, and talk of Your power. 12 They will make Your powerful acts and the great power of Your holy nation known to the sons of men. 13 Your holy nation is a nation that lasts forever. And Your rule lasts for all time.

14 The Lord holds up all who fall. He raises up all who are brought down. 15 The eyes of all look to You. And You give them their food at the right time. 16 You open Your hand and fill the desire of every living thing.

17 The Lord is right and good in all His ways, and kind in all His works. 18 The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. 19 He will fill the desire of those who fear Him. He will also hear their cry and will save them. 20 The Lord takes care of all who love Him. But He will destroy all the sinful. 21 My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord. And all flesh will honor His holy name forever and ever.” Psalm 145 NLV

What I want them to know, what I want everyone to know, is the Lord is good. He takes care of those who love Him. He forgives our sins and His love endures forever. I can think of no greater legacy than that!

Take Time to Pray

Did you know there will be a prayer march in Washington D.C. today? Franklin Graham will lead a prayer march from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol Building with several stopping places along the way for specific prayer.

I ask you to take time, whereever you are, to join in prayer with those in Washington.

If you’re like me, you have been praying for this Nation and our leadership for many months now. We are commanded to pray for those in authority.

“First of all, I ask you to pray much for all men and to give thanks for them. Pray for kings and all others who are in power over us so we might live quiet God-like lives in peace. It is good when you pray like this. It pleases God Who is the One Who saves. He wants all people to be saved from the punishment of sin. He wants them to come to know the truth.” I Timothy 2:1-4 NLV

I don’t pray for one political party or another, nor do I pray just for the President. I pray for all members of Congress, the Supreme Court, Governors and local judges. I simply pray that all of our leaders will make just and righteous decisions; decisions that please and honor God as the founders of our nation intended.

And then I pray that we all honor the Lord with our actions and our words. How often do we pray for others to change but first and foremost we must be willing to conform to the person God has called us to be.

“Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 13 Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. 14 Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. 15 And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.

16 Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. 17 And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.” Colossians 3:12-17 NLT

Some think of prayer as an action of last resort – a cry of desparation. That it can be! However, I see prayer as a time to talk with my Father telling Him my concerns and seeking His direction and answers. I’ve found it’s much better to get His direction instead of begging Him to get me out of a mess.

“‘Call to Me, and I will answer you. And I will show you great and wonderful things which you do not know.’” Jeremiah 33:3 NLV

Will you join me today in praying for our Nation? Let’s follow the instruction of the Apostle Paul and “Pray without ceasing”.


Enjoy the Feast

Yesterday morning I showed you how God’s word is referred to as milk and when we are new babies in Christ the Word of God provides us with the nourishment we need. But the Bible also has many references to our being fed by God’s word. It is our life-giving sustance. So this morning I would like to share a few of my favorite verses with you – enjoy the feast!

I praise God for those who have been called to the work of translating the Bible, not just in foreign languages, but into versions that make it easier for us to use and understand.These verses have really helped me and I hope that there are one or two that provide what you need!

HE WILL NEVER LEAVE ME OR LET ME DOWN! “Let yourcharacter or moral disposition be free from love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions] and be satisfied with your present [circumstances and with what you have]; for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]” Hebrews 13:5 AMP

WHEN CHRIST RULES, PEACE REIGNS “And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].” Colossians 3:15 AMP

HE CARES FOR ME “Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.” I Peter 5:7 AMP

I HAVE AN OVERFLOWING LIFE “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” John 10:10 AMP

MOSES AND I HAVE THE SAME GOD, THE GREAT I AM! “And when that time comes, you will ask nothing of Me [you will need to ask Me no questions]. I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that My Father will grant you whatever you ask in My Name [as presenting all that I Am].24 Up to this time you have not asked a [single] thing in My Name [as presenting all that I Am]; but now ask and keep on asking and you will receive, so that your joy (gladness, delight) may be full and complete.” John 16:23-24 AMP

MY FATHER’S WORD GIVES ME CONFIDENCE “And this is the confidence (the assurance, the privilege of boldness) which we have in Him: [we are sure] that if we ask anything (make any request) according to His will (in agreement with His own plan), He listens to and hears us.15 And if (since) we [positively] know that He listens to us in whatever we ask, we also know [with settled and absolute knowledge] that we have [granted us as our present possessions] the requests made of Him.” I John 5:14-15 AMP

Feasting on God’s Word is one of the best meals ever!

Growing Strong

I love babies!! ❤❤

We have two grown grandchildren, three young grandchildren and one great grandchild. I’ve been working on photo boards and attending birthday celebrations during the last couple of months. First birthday, third birthday and fifth birthday…lots of pictures to look at while I reminisce.

I remember holding all six of these precious ones in my arms, speaking softly, swaying gently as they slept in my arms. What a blessing to hold a sleeping babe! As much joy as that brings no one wants them to remain babes forever. We desire to see them grow strong and healthy.

It’s a routine with babies – eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating. It’s required for growth.

They eat all the time and make no apology for it. They have a God-given instinct to eat and they let us know about it. We quickly learn which cries mean I’m hungry, tired, mad or wet. As they get a little older we learn signs long before they can articulate their request.

We need to follow their example.

“Be like newborn babies who are thirsty for the pure spiritual milk that will help you grow and be saved. 3 You have already found out how good the Lord really is.” I Peter 2:1-3 CEV

We need to be like babies – sincere, innocent with an overwhelming desire to grow – to eat spiritual milk (the Word) and learn of the Lord’s goodness.

Growing is natural, it’s good, it is proof that we are healthy and strong. Babies also get thirsty and sometimes just need a drink of water and not a feeding of milk. It keeps them hydrated and all their organs working well. We also need water, but the living water, that only Christ can give.

“Jesus answered, “You don’t know what God can give you. And you don’t know who I am, the one who asked you for a drink. If you knew, you would have asked me, and I would have given you living water.”11 The woman said, “Sir, where will you get that living water?…13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again. 14 But anyone who drinks the water I give will never be thirsty again. The water I give people will be like a spring flowing inside them. It will bring them eternal life.”15 The woman said to Jesus, “Sir, give me this water. Then I will never be thirsty again and won’t have to come back here to get more water.” John 4:10-15 ERV

When little babies are hungry they cry and their parents get them a bottle and provide them with nourishment. Scripture tells us that our Father runs to our cry.

“Those who are hungry and thirsty to be right with God are happy” , because they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6 NLV

When was the last time we cried to let the Father know we are hungry for the sincere milk of God’s word or the living water that only He can give? When we do, we will be filled.

Weak, Trembling, Worried?

How many times have you awaken in the night heavy hearted? There’s something going on with family or work and you think you’ve got it under control and then there’s that middle-of-the-night awareness and your peace is destroyed.

Laying there, all the what-if scenarios run through your mind and you figure you will never get back to sleep. All there is to do now is pray for morning. But wait…

“Here is a message for all who are weak, trembling,  and worried: “Cheer up! Don’t be afraid. Your God is coming to punish your enemies. God will take revenge on them and rescue you.” Isaiah 35:3-4 CEV

“Strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble and tottering knees. Say to those who are of a fearful and hasty heart, Be strong, fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance; with the recompense of God He will come and save you. Isaiah 35:3-4 AMPC

The Lord has given us a promise of peaceful sleep. Our bodies were designed to rest. Daniel slept in the lions’ den, Peter slept in a prison cell, and Jesus slept in the bow of a boat on a stormy sea. Each one of them was surrounded by their problems but they were in a place of peace; they were trusting God.

“In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You, Lord, alone make me dwell in safety and confident trust.” Psalm 4:8 AMPC

Our heavenly Father provides us with a place of safety, a place where we can trust in His protection and provision. He is there, always, during the watches of the night. Jesus knew this better than anyone and here is what he said:

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls. 30 For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good—not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne.” Matthew 11:28-30 AMPC

When we are burdened and we come to Jesus He will give us rest. He wants us to learn from Him; He trusted the Father implicitly. He knows that’s where we will find true peace and rest.

I woke earlier than usual this morning and here are the words that filled my heart and my mind. They are the words of an old hymn which was first published in 1878. These are the words of the chorus and the second stanza.

Glory to His Name,
Glory to His Name:
There to my heart was the blood applied;
Glory to His Name!

I am so wondrously saved from sin,
Jesus so sweetly abides within,
There at the cross where He took me in;
Glory to His Name!

Jesus, abiding (living, making his residence) within our hearts replaces the worry, the fear and the weakness with His peace and rest! May you rest in peace.

Making A Way

I recently had a conversation with a friend who said “I know God is going to work things out, I just don’t see how”. I have been there so many times…more times than I am comfortable with but each one of those situations has bolstered my faith when the next circumstance comes.

Knowing that God is in control and that He is working things out even/especially when we can’t see what’s going on is a great place of peace and comfort. He delivered Noah in the flood, David from Goliath, Daniel from the lions, Joseph in Egypt, Paul in prison, the thief on the cross and He won’t quit with us or those we love!

“Great blessings belong to those who are tempted and remain faithful! After they have proved their faith, God will give them the reward of eternal life. God promised this to all people who love him. 13 Whenever you feel tempted to do something bad, you should not say, “God is tempting me.” Evil cannot tempt God, and God himself does not tempt anyone. 14 You are tempted by the evil things you want. Your own desire leads you away and traps you. 15 Your desire grows inside you until it results in sin. Then the sin grows bigger and bigger and finally ends in death.16 My dear brothers and sisters, don’t be fooled about this. 17 Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from him. These good gifts come down from the Father who made all the lights in the sky. But God never changes like the shadows from those lights. He is always the same. 18 God decided to give us life through the true message he sent to us. He wanted us to be the most important of all that he created.” James 1:12-18 ERV

Sometimes we get things backwards. Sometimes we say God is testing me or putting me through this trial to see what I’m made of. God doesn’t do that. When the trials, tests and temptations come they come from our own making or the influence of Satan in the world. God steps in to give us the strength to win the battle.

Noah had no idea how long he would be in the ark. David collected five stones for his sling; he didn’t know the first one would kill the giant. Joseph served thirteen years as a slave in Egypt before he was promoted. Paul was stoned, shipwrecked, beaten and imprisoned, but he said those were light afflictions and that God’s grace was sufficient in every situation.

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” I Corinthians 10:13 NLT

In Sunday’s worship service we sang the song “Way Maker”. The lyrics in that song that mean the most to me are these: “Even when I don’t see it, You’re working, Even when I don’t feel it, You’re working, You never stop, You never stop working, You never stop, You never stop working”.

God never stops working – He makes a way for us. God will lead us into victory. Thank Him for all the good and perfect gifts that He has provided.

“Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ…” II Corinthians 2:14

Life Changing Moments

Imagine with me, if you will, the following scenarios: You placed an ad in Craig’s List to sell your Jeep. Weeks pass and no one comes but then there’s a phone call from a man who wants to come look at it. He comes with his wife, they buy the Jeep and in the process you learn that she is someone you met over 30 years earlier. Her mother had opened her home to your cowboy Bible studies. A friendship renewed!

Then there was the time you stopped in a restaurant in a small town in norther California. As your husband comes through the door and approaches the counter, a man sitting there sees the words on his belt buckle “Jesus Is Lord”, falls to his knees and repents because he has been running from God.

One other time, you find yourself stopping in a pharmacy and meet a young woman who is obviously upset. You ask to pray for her and she bursts into tears. You pray, the Lord lifts her burden and you leave.

All of these, and others, were life changing moments for us and for those we encountered. They were divine appointments that the Lord orchestrated and we were blessed to be a part of.

I’ve been looking at people who encountered Jesus. Each one started out as a normal day, normal routine but they encountered a divine appointment. Some were moved by what Jesus did and others by what Jesus said.

Remember the Samaritan woman? Her life and the life of her town were changed by the words of Jesus. Jesus had stopped on His journey at the town well when He met a woman.

“Many of the Samaritan people in that town believed in Jesus. They believed because of what the woman had told them about him. She had told them, “He told me everything I have ever done.” 40 The Samaritans went to Jesus. They begged him to stay with them. So he stayed there two days. 41 Many more people became believers because of the things he said.42 The people said to the woman, “First we believed in Jesus because of what you told us. But now we believe because we heard him ourselves. We know now that he really is the one who will save the world.” John 4:39-42 ERV

And then there was the man at the pool who had been lame – His life was changed by the words “take up your bed and walk”. Jesus was just walking through town when he met this man.

“Afterward Jesus returned to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish holy days. Inside the city, near the Sheep Gate, was the pool of Bethesda, … One of the men lying there had been sick for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him and knew he had been ill for a long time, he asked him, “Would you like to get well?”…Jesus told him, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!”Instantly, the man was healed! He rolled up his sleeping mat and began walking! But this miracle happened on the Sabbath” John 5:1-9 NLT

And then there was Zacchaeus. He started his day by attending a parade; he heard that there was a famous man coming through town that day and he wanted to see what He looked like. It was a life changing event.

“Jesus entered Jericho and made his way through the town. There was a man there named Zacchaeus. He was the chief tax collector in the region, and he had become very rich. He tried to get a look at Jesus, but he was too short to see over the crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree beside the road, for Jesus was going to pass that way. When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name. “Zacchaeus!” he said. “Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.” Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy. But the people were displeased. “He has gone to be the guest of a notorious sinner,” they grumbled…Jesus responded, “Salvation has come to this home today, for this man has shown himself to be a true son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” Luke 19:1-10 NLT

We are here to be an ambassador, a representative for Christ. Be open to divine set-ups. These are life changing moments for you and those you meet.