A Donkey’s Tale

Thousands of years ago a donkey and her colt were tied in a village near Jerusalem. The owner had left them there as he went about his business.

Two men came to the village looking for this particular pair. They were on a mission. A mission that would be memorable and quite possibly the most frightening thing this young colt would ever do.

Matthew 21 tells the story of Jesus instructing his disciples on where to find a donkey that He would ride into town.

The Pharisees and temple leaders were seeking to kill Jesus. The common folk who heard that he was coming went to out to find him. Strangers who didn’t know about Jesus were caught up in the excitement and joined in.

Jesus wasn’t going to hide from those who wanted to destroyed him. He came out in public to be recognized by all those who wanted to honor him and praise Him as God’s Son!

“The disciples left and did what Jesus had told them to do. 7 They brought the donkey and its colt and laid some clothes on their backs. Then Jesus got on. 8 Many people spread clothes in the road, while others put down branches which they had cut from trees. 9 Some people walked ahead of Jesus and others followed behind. They were all shouting,
“Hooray for the Son of David! God bless the one who comes
in the name of the Lord. Hooray for God in heaven above!”
10 When Jesus came to Jerusalem, everyone in the city was excited and asked, “Who can this be?” 11 The crowd answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.” Matthew 21:6-11 ERV

In all of the excitement, Jesus was the only one who really knew what was going to happen in the next few days.  It was almost time for the Jewish feast of Passover, the commemoration of their deliverance from Egypt. Passover was a time when all the families in Israel offered a sacrifice of a spotless lamb as the substitute for the forgiveness of their sins.

And now here was Jesus. He would be offered as the sinless sacrifice, the Lamb of God, to take away the sins of the world. Jesus was and is the fulfillment of the Passover Lamb!

The Jews were looking for the Messiah and felt that he would come and save them from the political tyranny that was holding them down. The crowd came to the streets waving palm branches, shouting, throwing their coats to the ground in front of the donkey.

They were wanting someone to liberate them from Caesar and his rule but Jesus came for a much greater purpose – He came to set all men free from a life of separation from God the Father.

“The Holy Spirit will give you life that comes from Christ Jesus and will set you free from sin and death. 3 The Law of Moses cannot do this, because our selfish desires make the Law weak. But God set you free when he sent his own Son to be like us sinners and to be a sacrifice for our sin. God used Christ’s body to condemn sin. 4 He did this, so that we would do what the Law commands by obeying the Spirit instead of our own desires.” Romans 8:2-4

Many overlook the natural circumstances of this event and focus  on the spiritual. The young donkey would have been terribly frightened by all the noise and the coats and the palm branches. He would have been hesitant to go forward but Jesus urged him on with calm assurance. Jesus brought peace to a turbulent situation.

Have you been in a situation that made you want to turn around and run? You just didn’t want to go forward; the fight or flight instinct was weighing in heavily on the “flight”.  Then take courage as our little donkey did. Trust the One who is leading you forward.

I don’t know if you see yourself as one of the disciples who went to retrieve the colt, a member of the crowd who was there to praise the Lord or the colt who was used to carry the Savior. All had their part in the celebration.

Palm Sunday is just a few days away. Join in. Cut down some palm branches, throw your coat before the King and lift up your hands and praise Him!

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!!

Don’t Be a Victim of Identity Theft

I hope you have never been the victim of identity theft. I have some friends who have experienced this horrible violation and it has taken years to correct it. In fact, they still are dealing with issues as a result of it.

Do you know that as Christians many of us have fallen victim to identity theft as well? It’s far more detrimental than what millions experience through the theft of passwords, bank accounts, financial information and credit card fraud.

The Bible tells us that

Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new. ” II Corinthians 5:17 ERV

However, we spend a good deal of our time living in the past. We still deal with guilt over our failures and shortcomings. We fight to gain victory over our thoughts of unworthiness or self-loathing. We try to move past those things we are ashamed of but are drawn back by friends, well-intentioned loved ones (?) and our own memories.

Our identity, who we are in Christ, has been stolen.

Our most powerful adversary as believers is not the devil. He was defeated when Jesus rose from the dead and we have been given authority over him and all his evil works. However, our greatest adversary is also our greatest ally – it just depends on how we use it. I’m talking about our minds!

God doesn’t  force us to do things against our will. He won’t force us to accept His wonderful gift of salvation, even if it means we will eventually go to hell, and He won’t force us to accept His blessings that He is giving us in this new life. We must willfully accept all of His provisions for them to work.

How do we move our mind from an adversary to an ally? The answer is simple; it’s by what we consider. Our mind is much like the computer I am using to message with right now. It can only produce on screen or in memory what I input.

It becomes our responsibility to input the correct information. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12:1-2

“With eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, to give him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to him and acceptable by him. Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God re-mold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity.”

We let God’s word be our input and then our minds will be renewed.

Consider what God says about us. We are more than conquerors, we are new beings, we are His own children. We’ve been adopted and made join-heirs to His kingdom. We’ve been called to be world overcomers filled with peace, joy and strength. And if that’s not enough then consider what life will be like in heaven and all that Jesus did to provide this for us – if that’s our focus, we won’t have time to be “considering” thoughts that are contrary to God’s way of thinking.

“You were raised from death with Christ. So live for what is in heaven, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Think only about what is up there, not what is here on earth. 3 Your old self has died, and your new life is kept with Christ in God. 4 Yes, Christ is now your life, and when he comes again, you will share in his glory.” Colossians 3:1-4

It’s imperative that we guard our minds more than we guard our wallets. The damage caused by wrong thinking is more detrimental than loosing our cash. It’s spiritual identity theft.

Thinking like the world thinks will keep us from realizing all the wonderful blessings that God has provided.

“We live in this world, but we don’t fight our battles in the same way the world does. 4 The weapons we use are not human ones. Our weapons have power from God and can destroy the enemy’s strong places. We destroy people’s arguments, 5 and we tear down every proud idea that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We also capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.” II Corinthians 10:3-5

So counteract the world’s influence today and live this

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” II Timothy 1:7

Regain what’s been stolen. Our life in Christ is our true identity!

Facing Your Fears

 Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way.” Proverbs 3:5-6 ERV

There is an age old conflict that we all face from time to time. I would like to say that once we’ve successfully conquered it, we never face the battle again but that’s just not true.


“Why don’t things work out for me the way they do for others? Why am I going through this again and again? Why can’t I get the answers I need? Why do I feel so discourage?”

Discouragement comes when “WE” have been dealing with a particular situation for a prolonged period of time. Even the Scriptures say that “hope deferred makes the heart sick”. And sometimes we get heart sick – now how do we get well?

When King David was dis-couraged, he en-couraged himself in the Lord. It’s possible that after some of his trials, he was inspired to write Psalm 42.

“As a deer gets thirsty for streams of water, I truly am thirsty for you, my God. 2 In my heart, I am thirsty for you, the living God. When will I see your face? 3 Day and night my tears are my only food, as everyone keeps asking, “Where is your God?” 4 Sorrow floods my heart, when I remember leading the worshipers to your house. I can still hear them shout their joyful praises. 5 Why am I discouraged?
Why am I restless? I trust you! And I will praise you again because you help me, 6 and you are my God. I am deeply discouraged as I think about you from where the Jordan begins at Mount Hermon
and from Mount Mizar. 7 Your vicious waves have swept over me
like an angry ocean or a roaring waterfall. 8 Every day, you are kind,
and at night you give me a song as my prayer to you, the living LORD God. 9 You are my mighty rock. Why have you forgotten me? Why must enemies mistreat me and make me sad? 10 Even my bones are in pain, while all day long my enemies sneer and ask, “Where is your God?” 11 Why am I discouraged? Why am I restless? I trust you! And I will praise you again because you help me, and you are my God.” Psalm 42 CEV

King David asked all the questions of himself that we ask and his conclusion was this; I will praise YOU because YOU are my God.

Courage is the ability to stand strong under adverse and difficult circumstances.

Dis – courage means to take courage away. (Comes from looking at the hopelessness of a situation. Looking at our limited power and resources.)

En – courage is the ability to infuse with courage. (Comes from looking at our God who is infinitely bigger than our situation and His miraculous power and unlimited resources.)

Look at what the Apostle Paul says about adverse circumstances:
“What can we say about all this? If God is on our side, can anyone be against us? 32 God did not keep back his own Son, but he gave him for us. If God did this, won’t he freely give us everything else? 33 If God says his chosen ones are acceptable to him, can anyone bring charges against them? 34 Or can anyone condemn them? No indeed! Christ died and was raised to life, and now he is at God’s right side, speaking to him for us. 35 Can anything separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble, suffering, and hard times, or hunger and nakedness, or danger and death? 36 It is exactly as the Scriptures say,
“For you we face death all day long. We are like sheep on their way
to be butchered.”
37 In everything we have won more than a victory because of Christ who loves us. 38 I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love—not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, 39 and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!” Romans 8:31-39 CEV

So face today as the deer who is thirsty – come looking for God.
“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6 KJV

You will be filled! Filled with Courage. Filled to stand strong facing your greatest fears.

How Big is Your Portion

Each day you know I get up expecting to hear the Lord minister to me so that I can share with you. Each morning He is faithful.

Just like a shepherd, the Good Shepherd, leads the sheep to green pastures each day, Jesus provides us with green pastures and still waters for our daily provision.

Listen for the Shepherd’s voice today. And in listening, know that you can hear – hear clearly from the Father. This song by Jeremy Camp has been flooding my heart today.

In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
Give me Jesus

Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus

When I am alone
When I am alone
Oh, when I am alone
Give me Jesus

Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus

Give me Jesus

When I come to die
When I come to die
Oh, when I come to die
Give me Jesus

Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus

Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
You can have all this world
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus

Several times throughout the Old Testament a phrase was used in connection with God’s relationship with His people, that phrase was “You are my portion”.

My portion – like cutting a pie or dividing an inheritance or the spoils of war – which portion is mine? King David made mention several times in the Psalms that “You are my portion”.

This saying jumps out at me each time I read it. I grew up hearing my dad say the only way to ruin a pie is to cut it.   He desired the whole thing – the big piece, the whole portion. Through the years, that’s how I’ve grown in my relationship with Jesus. You are my portion – whatever I am given I want it all to be Jesus! I don’t want any other portion – just give me Jesus.

Lord, you give me all that I need. You support me. You give me my share (portion).My share (portion) is wonderful. My inheritance is very beautiful.” Psalm 16:5-6 ERV

In heaven I have only you, and on this earth you are all I want. 26 My body and mind may fail,  but you are my strength and my choice (portion) forever.” Psalm 73:25-26 CEV

You, Lord, are my choice (portion), and I will obey you. 58 With all my heart I beg you to be kind to me,  just as you have promised. 59 I pay careful attention as you lead me,  and I follow closely.” Psalm 119:57-59 CEV

Today as you hear the Shepherd speak your name, I encourage you to make Jesus your portion!


( I copied and shared this a few years ago. It was printed by Gateway Church. True to say, thank you Saint Patrick.)

Kidnapped by raiding pirates at the age of 16 and carried away from his family in Britain, Patrick was taken to Ireland and sold as a slave to an uncivilized, barbaric Irish chieftain. Assigned the menial and mundane task of caring for his master’s sheep, Patrick was forced to endure months of solitude out in the wild hills of Ireland with nothing but sheep to keep him company. Struggling to survive the bone-chilling weather and desperately fighting off his ever-present gnawing hunger pains, Patrick turned to the only place he could for help … God.

Having been raised in the lap of luxury as the son of a nobleman, Patrick had never spent much time thinking about God. Although he had grown up in a Christian home—his father was a deacon in the church and his grandfather had been an elder—his faith had not been real to him. But now, his bleak conditions and overwhelming loneliness led him to look to the only Source who could give him strength and comfort. Much like David the shepherd boy had done so many years before, Patrick spent his days and weeks of isolation pouring out his heart to God. He writes: “Tending flocks was my daily work, and I would pray constantly during the daylight hours. The love of God and the fear of Him surrounded me more and more—and faith grew and the Spirit was roused, so that in one day I would say as many as a hundred prayers and after dark nearly as many again, even while I remained in the woods or on the mountain. I would wake and pray before daybreak—through snow, frost, rain—because the Spirit within me was ardent.”

This continued for seven long years, until one night God spoke to Patrick in a dream telling him his prayers had been heard and he should arise and go for a boat was waiting to take him home. Although he was nowhere near the sea and had no idea as to which direction he should go, Patrick set out in faith following God’s direction. He walked for more than 200 miles, never once getting stopped or questioned, until he came to the sea where a boat was anchored in the bay.

The captain of the boat viewed Patrick with suspicion when he came asking for passage to England and refused to allow him on board. So Patrick walked away and began to pray. Before he could even finish his prayer, one of the ship’s crew members came running after him asking him to come back to the boat. The captain had undergone a sudden change of heart and was now bending over backwards to accommodate any and all of Patrick’s needs.

Patrick’s journey home was long and arduous, but a few years later, he returned home to his mother and father’s welcoming arms. He tried to settle back into his old life, but try as he might, Patrick couldn’t forget the people who had held him captive for seven years.

One night as Patrick was sleeping, he had a vision of an Irish man beckoning him to return to Ireland because they were hopelessly lost in darkness and desperately needed the light of God’s truth. Though his parents begged him to stay in Britain, Patrick chose to obey and follow God’s call to go back to the land of his captivity so that he could bring the light of the gospel to a people lost in darkness. Because Christ had given His life for him, Patrick believed he could do no less.

Patrick had every reasonable right to stay in the comfort of his home, surrounded by his family. But placing his life and freedom in God’s hands, he went back to Ireland to proclaim the message of God’s love and forgiveness to those who had never heard it … to the people who were his enemies. Traveling throughout the land, he baptized thousands of converts, discipled new believers, started scores of churches, trained church leaders, ordained pastors, fought against injustice and sent out missionaries and evangelists. And because of Patrick’s obedience to the Lord, an entire nation was evangelized and the course of history was changed. Eventually, a flood of missionaries emerged out of Ireland and spread throughout Scotland, England and the rest of Europe, sparking a great revival. In fact, between AD 650 and AD 850, more than half of all-known biblical commentaries were written by the Irish.

The Bible tells the stories of two men who found themselves in similar situations as Patrick. God called them to go take His message to their enemies. But each responded in completely different ways. Jonah chose to ignore God’s command to go to Nineveh and ran in the opposite direction. His disobedience led to him being swallowed by a huge fish. On the other hand, when the Lord came to Ananias in a vision and called him to go find his enemy Saul—a man well-known for hunting down and killing anyone who followed Jesus—and pray for his healing, Ananias chose to obey, trust God and go. Through Ananias’ obedience, God moved in the life of Saul, who later became Paul, the man responsible for writing over half of the New Testament.

Although it’s never easy, Jesus’ instructions to “love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you” aren’t a polite suggestion or request. They’re a command.

Your “enemy” may be your neighbor, a difficult co-worker or even a once-close friend who betrayed you. Regardless of who it is, ask the Lord to show you how you can actively demonstrate His love to them today. Then go out and follow His leading.


“Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me
Christ on my right, Christ on my left
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me
Christ in every eye that sees me
Christ in every ear that hears me”
–Patrick of Ireland–

(excerpt from “Let’s Go”–a Gateway Church devotional)

I Do It Myself

“I do it myself”. Not good grammar but you get the point.

Now that our gardens our planted I wanted to go in a different direction. Make sure you water those seeds everyday and keep the weeds pulled. You’ll be harvesting the fruit very soon.

One of our children was a very independent learner. He didn’t want help, he wanted to “do it myself”. I would sit down on the floor to play with him and his sister. We had these puzzles that both kids loved to play with. But if I tried to help, sure enough you guessed it, he would go to something different, he refused my help.

We laugh and think – sure kids do that kind of stuff but what about us as adults. Do you ever find yourself saying, “I do it myself”? Men, you have a project around the house and your wife asks if you need help…you might as well find your best little kid voice, put your hands on your hips and say “I do it myself”.

Ladies, what about us? We have family or friends over for a dinner, we have pots on every burner and something in the oven and someone asks, can I help. What do you say? “No just go enjoy everyone, I can do it. I’ve got this.” And then when they leave we complain because no one helped.

Oh yes, we all do it. But let’s  stop it here. It’s ok to say I need help.

Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will give you strength, and for sure I will help you. Yes, I will hold you up with My right hand that is right and good. 11 See, all those who are angry with you will be put to shame and troubled. Those who fight against you will be as nothing and will be lost. 12 You will look for those who argue with you, but will not find them. Those who war against you will be as nothing, as nothing at all. 13 For I am the Lord your God Who holds your right hand, and Who says to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you.’ 14 Do not fear, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel. I will help you,” says the Lord. “The One Who bought you and sets you free is the Holy One of Israel.” Isaiah 41:10-14 NLV

God makes Himself available to help us. Do we say, “I do it myself”? He desires to take our cares, our worries, our lack of wisdom, our weakness and replace it with His strength, peace, knowledge and joy.

Come to Me, all of you who work and have heavy loads. I will give you rest. 29 Follow My teachings and learn from Me. I am gentle and do not have pride. You will have rest for your souls. 30 For My way of carrying a load is easy and My load is not heavy.” Matthew 11:28-30 NLV

Yes, we are capable, maybe, of doing things our self but we miss out on spending time with our Father who loves us so dearly. Whether we see Him or not, He walks right with us so that He can run to our call or pick us up when we fail.

Jesus did not come to help angels. Instead, He came to help men who are of Abraham’s family. 17 So Jesus had to become like His brothers in every way. He had to be one of us to be our Religious Leader to go between God and us. He had loving-pity on us and He was faithful. He gave Himself as a gift to die on a cross for our sins so that God would not hold these sins against us any longer. 18 Because Jesus was tempted as we are and suffered as we do, He understands us and He is able to help us when we are tempted.” Hebrews 2:16-18 NLV

So the next time you are tempted to say “I do it myself” remember there is no reason to go it alone. There is strength in numbers, God and you are a majority in any situation.

God has said, “I will never leave you or let you be alone.” Hebrews 13:5b NLV

What can we say about all these things? Since God is for us, who can be against us? 32 God did not keep His own Son for Himself but gave Him for us all. Then with His Son, will He not give us all things? ” Romans 8:31 NLV


Seeds of Celebration

We ladies know what it’s like to “dream of our wedding day”. From the time we are little girls and go to our first wedding or see our first Disney Princess movie we are hooked.

But before you men completely discount this morning’s writing I want you to know you are included in this celebration too. For whether we are man or woman we are all joined with Christ as our husband.

The Scripture tells us that we have a loving husband. Jesus is the husband and we are His wife.

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.” Ephesians 5:25-27 ESV

Christ loved us so much that He gave up his life for us. His shed blood completely removes any residue of sin and leaves us clean, no spot or wrinkle and glorious arrayed!

How many times have I heard people say, “if you only knew what I have done, you would know that God couldn’t love me”. It because of what we have done that God found a way to make us clean and acceptable. He has covered all our failures, our sins, our imperfections.

Sin ruled by means of death. But God’s kindness now rules, and God has accepted us because of Jesus Christ our Lord. This means that we will have eternal life.” Romans 5:21 CEV

God already planned to have us as His own children. This was done by Jesus Christ. In His plan God wanted this done.

We thank God for His loving-favor to us. He gave this loving-favor to us through His much-loved Son. Because of the blood of Christ, we are bought and made free from the punishment of sin. And because of His blood, our sins are forgiven. His loving-favor to us is so rich. ” Ephesians 1:5-7 NLV

We have seen the royal weddings on television, all the pomp and circumstance. The carriage, the beautiful gown, the groom dressed so regally, the flowers, the lace. The celebration!

But that is nothing compared to what the King of Kings has prepared for His bride.

You are God, and you will rule forever as king. Your royal power brings about justice.  You love justice and hate evil. And so, your God chose you and made you happier  than any of your friends.
The sweet aroma of the spices myrrh, aloes, and cassia, covers your royal robes. You enjoy the music of harps in palaces decorated
 with ivory. Daughters of kings are here, and your bride stands at your right side, wearing a wedding gown trimmed with pure gold.” Psalm 45:7-9 CEV

Sometimes Christians are considered to be second class citizens, as if we need to apologize for our station in life. The opposite is true. We are joined to the King of Kings and our father, is God Almighty.

But you are God’s chosen and special people. You are a group of royal priests and a holy nation. God has brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Now you must tell all the wonderful things that he has done. The Scriptures say,

10 “Once you were nobody. Now you are God’s people. At one time no one had pity on you. Now God has treated you with kindness.” I Peter 2:9-10 CEV

It’s important that we see ourselves as God sees us. We are His children and we are dearly loved. There was no expense too great to keep Him from bringing us into relationship with Him.

I cried to the Lord in my trouble, and He answered me and put me in a good place. The Lord is with me. I will not be afraid of what man can do to me. The Lord is with me. He is my Helper. I will watch those lose who fight against me. ” Psalm 118:5-7 NLV

We have been dressed in royal splendor, our husband loves us dearly. It’s time to celebrate!!

Plant Sorrow, Harvest Comfort

This morning I had but one word on my heart – sorrow. What a strange way to start a morning and it didn’t seem very uplifting until I let the Holy Spirit  put substance around that word.

I will comfort you as one is comforted by his mother. And you will be comforted in Jerusalem.” 14 When you see this, your heart will be glad. Your bones will get new strength like the new grass. And the hand of the Lord will be made known to His servants. ” Isaiah 66:13-14 NLV

The story I would like to share with you comes from the Old Testament. A sweet lady was one of two wives to a man named Elkanah. He loved her dearly but she had no children. Her counterpart however had children and would mock her. Each year they would travel as a family to Shiloh to bring their offerings to the Lord. This was an extremely tough time for Hannah because Pennieh, the other wife, would taunt her mercilessly. In her sorrow, Hannah cried out to the Lord.

Hannah was very troubled. She prayed to the Lord and cried with sorrow. 11 Then she made a promise and said, “O Lord of All, be sure to look on the trouble of Your woman servant, and remember me. Do not forget Your woman servant, but give me a son. If You will, then I will give him to the Lord all his life. And no hair will ever be cut from his head.”

12 While she kept praying to the Lord, Eli was watching her mouth. 13 Hannah was speaking in her heart. Her lips were moving, but her voice was not heard. So Eli thought she had drunk too much. 14 Eli said to her, “How long will you be drunk? Put wine away from you.” 15 But Hannah answered, “No, my lord, I am a woman troubled in spirit. I have not drunk wine or strong drink, but I was pouring out my soul to the Lord. 16 Do not think of your woman servant as a woman of no worth. For I have been speaking out of much trouble and pain in my spirit.” 17 Then Eli answered, “Go in peace. May the God of Israel do what you have asked of Him.” 18 And Hannah said, “Let your woman servant find favor in your eyes.” So she went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad.” I Samuel 1:10-18 NLV

Have you been there? So upset over a situation that you have wept before the Lord, pouring out your heart and soul, completely oblivious to what others thought about you…just needing God to hear your heart? If you have then you can relate to Hannah.

And so could God. He heard her heart – children were a sign that you had been blessed by God and Hannah’s heart ached because she had no child. I can assure you, when you pour your heart out to God, giving Him whatever it is that is causing your sorrow, He will meet you there. He brings comfort and peace.

So the people, for whom the Lord paid the price to be saved, will return. They will come with songs of joy to Zion. Joy that lasts forever will be on their heads. They will receive joy and happiness, and sorrow and sad voices will hurry away.

12 “I, even I, am He Who comforts you. Who are you that you are afraid of a man who dies? Why are you afraid of the sons of men who are made like grass,” Isaiah 51:11-12 NLV

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 KJV

God heard and answered Hannah’s prayer and a year later Samuel was born. Samuel was dedicated to the Lord and as a small boy, Hannah took him to the tabernacle to live with Eli and be raised as a priest. Samuel was used mightily of God, a blessing not only to his mother but to the nation of Israel.

“The blessing of the LORD, it makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.” Proverbs 10:22 KJV

God’s blessing of a son removed Hannah’s sorrow. God isn’t out to ruin our lives but to complete them!

The Lord says, “I am the one who comforts you. So why should you be afraid of people? They are only humans who live and die like the grass.” Isaiah 55:11-12 CEV

“Yes, even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not be afraid of anything, because You are with me. You have a walking stick with which to guide and one with which to help. These comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 NLV

I know I was ready to fall, but, Lord, your faithful love supported me.
19 I was very worried and upset, but you comforted me and made me happy!” Psalm 94:18-19 ERV

Remember Your Word to Your servant, for You have given me hope. 50 Your Word has given me new life. This is my comfort in my suffering. 51 The proud always laugh at me, but I do not turn away from Your Law. ” Psalm 119:49-51 NLV

Do not let your heart be troubled. You have put your trust in God, put your trust in Me also.” John 14:1 NLV

“I have told you these things while I am still with you. 26 The Helper (Comforter) is the Holy Spirit. The Father will send Him in My place. He will teach you everything and help you remember everything I have told you.

27 “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give peace to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” John 14:25-27 NLV

Pour out your sorrow to the Lord today and let Him turn it into joy!

Harvest of Healing

Last night I woke up shivering and all my joints were aching. It wasn’t cold in our room so I knew I needed to harvest some of the healing seeds that I had planted years ago.

We first learned the Bible’s scriptures on healing in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. We began to plant seeds immediately. We didn’t have time to be sick nor did our kids. The harvest from these seeds has brought health and healing to our home for many years.

Sometimes return to health has come instantly and at other times it has taken a few days or even a couple weeks. There have been instant healings that have almost been miraculous and others that have been assisted by doctors and modern medicine. No matter what path has brought the healing to our bodies we know that it has been given by God and we praise Him for it.

There are times when the healing comes and it is as sweet as honey. Other times it’s been like a plate of fresh vegetables bring strength and nourishment and at times healing comfort has come like a piece of fresh baked bread with butter. God’s word is food for our souls.

Now let’s plant some seeds.

“For sure He took on Himself our troubles and carried our sorrows. Yet we thought of Him as being punished and hurt by God, and made to suffer. 5 But He was hurt for our wrong-doing. He was crushed for our sins. He was punished so we would have peace. He was beaten so we would be healed. 6 All of us like sheep have gone the wrong way. Each of us has turned to his own way. And the Lord has put on Him the sin of us all.” Isaiah 53:4-6 NLV

“I will lift You up, O Lord, for You have lifted me up. You have not let those who hate me stand over me in joy. 2 O Lord my God, I cried to You for help and You healed me.” Psalm 30:1-2 NLV

“Praise the Lord, O my soul. And forget none of His acts of kindness. 3 He forgives all my sins. He heals all my diseases. 4 He saves my life from the grave. He crowns me with loving-kindness and pity.” Psalm 103:2-4 NLV

“Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble. And He saved them from their suffering. 20 He sent His Word and healed them. And He saved them from the grave. 21 Let them give thanks to the Lord for His loving-kindness and His great works to the children of men!” Psalm 107:19-21 NLV

“My son, listen to my words. Turn your ear to my sayings. 21 Do not let them leave your eyes. Keep them in the center of your heart. 22 For they are life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body. 23 Keep your heart pure for out of it are the important things of life.” Proverbs 4:20-23 NLV

“Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. 24 News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed; and he healed them. Whenever anyone came to Jesus and asked to be healed Jesus granted their petition. He didn’t turn anyone way. And he’s not turning us away either.” Matthew 4:23-24 NIV

“Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.” Matthew 10:1 NIV

And just one more.

“He never sinned. No lie or bad talk ever came from His lips. 23 When people spoke against Him, He never spoke back. When He suffered from what people did to Him, He did not try to pay them back. He left it in the hands of the One Who is always right in judging. 24 He carried our sins in His own body when He died on a cross. In doing this, we may be dead to sin and alive to all that is right and good. His wounds have healed you!” I Peter 2:22-24 NLV

I hope you make room in your garden for seeds of health and healing. They are a gift from God for all to enjoy.

And just so you know, as I was writing this my fever broke and the aching joints are gaining more mobility. Praise God!

Pruning Is Important

Pruning is necessary to the health of every plant. The important thing is to know when and how to prune.

When my flowers are in bloom I am out with my nippers once a week. Sometimes I just remove the dead flowers and leaves and at other times I find it necessary to remove part of a branch that is damaged.

I used to be a vicious pruner. Instead of using a small nipper, I would use the big loppers and before I knew it I had removed 1/2 the plant.

Sad to say but most of the time when I did that I permanently damaged the plant. But God knows how to properly prune so that the branch (us) isn’t damaged.

Yesterday I used the Scripture verses in John 15 where Jesus talks about abiding in the vine. He is the vine, we are the branches and the Father is the one who does the pruning.

“Jesus said, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch[ of mine that does not produce fruit. He also trims every branch that produces fruit to prepare it to produce even more. You have already been prepared to produce more fruit by the teaching I have given you. Stay joined to me and I will stay joined to you. No branch can produce fruit alone. It must stay connected to the vine. It is the same with you. You cannot produce fruit alone. You must stay joined to me.

“I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I to you, you will produce plenty of fruit. But separated from me you won’t be able to do anything. If you don’t stay joined to me, you will be like a branch that has been thrown out and has dried up. All the dead branches like that are gathered up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 Stay joined together with me, and follow my teachings. If you do this, you can ask for anything you want, and it will be given to you. Show that you are my followers by producing much fruit. This will bring honor  to my Father.” John 15:1-8 ERV

The KJV of this passage says “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” Vs 7. See it’s the Word…the Word and abiding in the Word, who is Jesus, is what bears fruit in our lives.

Jesus said that we have already been prepared (pruned) by the Word. The Apostle Paul tells us that God’s Word brings correction (pruning) into our lives.

You have known the Holy Scriptures since you were a child. These Scriptures are able to make you wise. And that wisdom leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is given by God. And all Scripture is useful for teaching and for showing people what is wrong in their lives. It is useful for correcting faults and teaching the right way to live. 17 Using the Scriptures, those who serve God will be prepared and will have everything they need to do every good work.” II Timothy 3:15-17 ERV

God uses the Scriptures to make correction in our lives.  We also have the help of the Holy Spirit, our teacher and counsellor. He will prick our hearts when we do things that are wrong. You know what I’m talking about, that feeling you get and you say “I know I shouldn’t have done/said that”. Ya, that’s the Holy Spirit.

But I tell you that I am going to do what is best for you. That is why I am going away. The Holy Spirit cannot come to help [a] you until I leave. But after I am gone, I will send the Spirit to you.

The Spirit will come and show the people of this world the truth about sin and God’s justice and the judgment. The Spirit will show them that they are wrong about sin, because they didn’t have faith in me. ” John 16:7-9 CEV

There have been times that I have gone through a dry place and have felt withered and almost dead inside. During those times I didn’t see much of a harvest – just brittle, dry stubble with no signs of life.  I like the growth times much better and yes, I am the one responsible to keep the Word planted in my heart.

However, in the dry and brittle times, I have learned that the life is still there. It’s in the root. Sometimes the dry branches have to be pruned back for the health of the plant. I learned when we first moved into our AZ home not to prune until water has been applied to the root.

We have two large Ocotillos in our yard. They looked dead when we moved in. We decided to give them it a little bit of water and see what would happen. Only 5 days of water, just a little water each day and they begin to flourish.

The KJV of this passage says “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” It’s the Word…the Word and letting God’s Word, who is Jesus, live in us that bears fruit in our lives.

I’m so glad that I didn’t prune the Ocotillo thinking it was all but dead. My pruning would have killed it for sure. I’m also very glad that I’m not responsible for pruning my life or the life of other believers but it’s the Father, the master gardener, who is responsible to prune our lives. He knows when something is dead and He knows exactly where to cut without causing damage. He also knows when all we need is water, the water of His word, and we will flourish once again.

“I will pour water for thirsty people, and streams will flow through the desert. I will pour my Spirit on your children, and I will bless your family. They will sprout like grass in the spring and grow like trees by streams of water.” Isaiah 44:3 ERV

Are you in a dry place? Let God’s Word water your roots and you’ll begin to flourish once again.

Blessings to you all this day.