Rich in Mercy

I am grateful for God’s mercy. The Bible tells us that we are given new mercy every morning.

“The Lord’s kindness never fails! If he had not been merciful, we would have been destroyed. 23 The Lord can always be trusted to show mercy each morning. 24 Deep in my heart I say, ‘The Lord is all I need; I can depend on him!'” Lamentations 3:22-24 CEV

Have you ever felt like people judged you wrongly? They misunderstood or misconstrued a situtation or an action and immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion. You were branded, judged and even convicted.

Have you ever done that to someone? That’s the harder question to answer honestly. I have and it’s something I am ashamed to admit. When we judge and assess a situation our reasons are so self-righteous. We have so many excuses for our actions and why others are wrong.

” But God is rich in mercy, and he loved us very much. We were spiritually dead because of all we had done against him. But he gave us new life together with Christ. (You have been saved by God’s grace.)” Ephesians 2:4-5 ERV

If anyone has a right to judge it’s God. He is perfect in everyway and so His judgements are pure but He chooses to show mercy. Another term for mercy is “loving-kindness”. The Bible tells us that His loving-kindness, His mercy, goes on forever.

“Praise the Lord! O give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His loving-kindness lasts forever.” Psalm 106:1 NLV

Thank you Lord for always showing mercy. Since God is both just and merciful it’s necessary to see how both work in harmony. God cannot let His mercy override His justice. We have all sinned and sin needs to be judged. That’s where Jesus steps in.

“God has shown His love to us by sending His only Son into the world. God did this so we might have life through Christ. 10 This is love! It is not that we loved God but that He loved us. For God sent His Son to pay for our sins with His own blood. 11 Dear friends, if God loved us that much, then we should love each other. ” I John 4:9-11 NLV

Since God lavished His love on us we are expected to act accordingly and show love to others. There should be no place in our lives for condemning attitudes.

“Treat others just as you want to be treated. 32 If you love only someone who loves you, will God praise you for that? Even sinners love people who love them. 33 If you are kind only to someone who is kind to you, will God be pleased with you for that? Even sinners are kind to people who are kind to them. 34 If you lend money only to someone you think will pay you back, will God be pleased with you for that? Even sinners lend to sinners because they think they will get it all back.

35 But love your enemies and be good to them. Lend without expecting to be paid back. Then you will get a great reward, and you will be the true children of God in heaven. He is good even to people who are unthankful and cruel. 36 Have pity on others, just as your Father has pity on you.” Luke 6:31-36 CEV

These are the words of Jesus. There are no exceptions like it’s ok to judge people who cut you off in traffic, are rude to you in the grocery store, don’t share your same political view, or who are antagonistic. NO EXCEPTIONS!

I’m working on making this my daily goal in the upcoming year. If I say I want to be more like the Father then I need to be less judgmental. There’s no room in His life for it and so there should be none in mine!

Here’s to a Happy & Mercy-Rich 2019!

Standing On Solid Rock

It’s interesting to look back. Yesterday I was in the hot tub with our oldest daughter Kim and two of her friends. I was telling them about when we first got our hot tub. It was four years ago on December 26.

So why am I using an image of a rock pile this morning? I’m glad you asked. Talking about that reminded me it was only a few days after the hot tub was in that we took delivery of 20 tons of rock. We then spread it across our front and back yards. I’m not sure how anyone else would relocate and spread 20 tons of rock but we did it by filling the wheelbarrow, literally hundreds of times, dumping it and then leveling it with a rake. It was one of the hardest physical project I have ever done.

It took days!

When we are going through things like this, things that try our patience and our stamina , we sometimes loose sight of the big picture. We are tempted to complain, take short cuts and quit. But if we persevere, if we continue to labor on, the rewards are great!

The same holds true for our spiritual lives. God has chosen to do a work in us and He won’t quit, He won’t give up until He has accomplished what He set out to do.

“And whenever I mention you in my prayers, it makes me happy. This is because you have taken part with me in spreading the good news from the first day you heard about it. God is the one who began this good work in you, and I am certain that he won’t stop before it is complete on the day that Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:4-6 CEV

This is the good work that God is doing in our lives.

“God loves you and has chosen you as his own special people. So be gentle, kind, humble, meek, and patient. 13 Put up with each other, and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you. 14 Love is more important than anything else. It is what ties everything completely together.

15 Each one of you is part of the body of Christ, and you were chosen to live together in peace. So let the peace that comes from Christ control your thoughts. And be grateful.” Colossians 3:12-15 CEV

These verses from God’s word are the foundation that we should be building our lives on. Jesus said that His word was the solid bedrock for our existence and that when we are built on His word we will be able to stand secure in life’s storms.

“Anyone who hears and obeys these teachings of mine is like a wise person who built a house on solid rock. 25 Rain poured down, rivers flooded, and winds beat against that house. But it did not fall, because it was built on solid rock.” Matthew 7:24-25 CEV

When God makes us a promise it will last forever. God cannot lie and once He has given His spoken Word he doesn’t change.

“God cannot tell lies! And so his promises and vows are two things that can never be changed. We have run to God for safety. Now his promises should greatly encourage us to take hold of the hope that is right in front of us. 19 This hope is like a firm and steady anchor for our souls.” Hebrews 6:18-19 CEV

Let me take you back to that 20 tons of rock that we had delivered. Before it was brought in, our yards were a mess after every rain. The soil in our area is clay based and so it makes a very sticky mud. It’s almost impossible to wash it off your shoes when you walk through it. However, once the rock was spread over it that has no longer been a problem. We have sure footing even in the heaviest monsoons of the year.

“I love you, Lord God,  and you make me strong. You are my mighty rock, my fortress, my protector,  the rock where I am safe, my shield, my powerful weapon, and my place of shelter. I praise you, Lord! I prayed, and you rescued me from my enemies.” Psalm 18:1-3 CEV

Take time to look back today. What areas have been a sticky mess for you? Let God’s word be your rock, claim His promises which last forever, and stand firm in the storms.

God’s Not Mad

I got to thinking after I did yesterday’s post on pruning that some may think that God is mad at them. He’s not!

We all have things that need to be pruned away, removed from our lives, so that we can grow strong and healthy. But God never does any of that with an attitude of anger, He is always led by His compassion.

That was a wonderful part of the angels message “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” The sacrifice of Jesus ended the war between God and man. God judged our sin by placing it on Jesus and He paid the price. He was convicted, found guilty and punished with death for crimes (Sin) He didn’t do. Paid in Full.

“But I tell you that I am going to do what is best for you. That is why I am going away. The Holy Spirit cannot come to help [a you until I leave. But after I am gone, I will send the Spirit to you.

The Spirit will come and show the people of this world the truth about sin and God’s justice and the judgment. The Spirit will show them that they are wrong about sin, because they didn’t have faith in me. 10 They are wrong about God’s justice, because I am going to the Father, and you won’t see me again. 11 And they are wrong about the judgment, because God has already judged the ruler of this world.” John 16:7-11 CEV

The Holy Spirit will reprove or correct men in their sin, but the sin is not believing that Jesus was and is God’s Son and He is the sacrifice for our sins. He will reprove of righteousness, showing us that through Christ we have been made righteous and that judgment belongs to satan and those that follow him.

The Apostle Paul put it this way in II Corinthians 5.
“For if a man is in Christ he becomes a new person altogether—the past is finished and gone, everything has become fresh and new. All this is God’s doing, for he has reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ; and he has made us agents of the reconciliation. God was in Christ personally reconciling the world to himself—not counting their sins against them—and has commissioned us with the message of reconciliation. We are now Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were appealing direct to you through us. As his personal representatives we say, “Make your peace with God.” For God caused Christ, who himself knew nothing of sin, actually to be sin for our sakes, so that in Christ we might be made good with the goodness of God.” II Corinthians 5:17-21

It is our job, as ambassadors, to tell people that God has made a way of “peace” for them through Christ. Reconciling us to Himself, God has made a way for us to become righteous, complete new creatures.

Today I want to do my job as an ambassador of Christ and bring this good news to you. Now I ask you to share it too.

7 “For a short time I turned away from you, but with all my love I will welcome you again. 8 I was so angry that for a while I did not want to see you. But now I want to comfort you with kindness forever.” The LORD your Savior said this. 9 “Remember, in Noah’s time I punished the world with the flood. But I made a promise to Noah that I would never again destroy the world with water. In the same way, I promise that I will never again be angry with you and say bad things to you.” Isaiah 54:7-9

God isn’t mad at us – He is reaching out to us with arms of love!

Are You Growing

This morning I was on my way to the kitchen to get a second cup of coffee. I passed the side table and realized that the bamboo plant sitting there needed water.

Two years ago a neighbor brought it to us as a Christmas gift. I’ve moved it to a larger pot. It had one shoot die and another start. I must admit that I haven’t had as much success with it as I do with my other plants. It seems odd to me that a plant can grow without soil and survive, or even thrive, on only water.

I enjoy taking care of my plants. Some of them I brought from Montana when we moved almost five years ago. Others that made the trip have been with me much longer than that. I have one corn plant that I rescued from near death when we lived in Encinitas, CA. That was 1990. I can’t remember how many shoots I have cut from that plant and given away. It continues to thrive.

At the end of each year I ponder my spiritual growth. Years and years ago I heard a minister say “if you aren’t growing and moving forward in your spiritual life you are backsliding”. Yikes! Since that time, I have prayerfully evaluated my spiritual growth.

Do I look and act more like Jesus than I did before? I must honestly say the answer hasn’t always been yes. Some years my growth seemed dormant and in others it appeared that my leaves were dry and brittle, almost dead and in need of pruning.

“Jesus said to his disciples: I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts away every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit. But he trims clean every branch that does produce fruit, so that it will produce even more fruit. You are already clean because of what I have said to you.

Stay joined to me, and I will stay joined to you. Just as a branch cannot produce fruit unless it stays joined to the vine, you cannot produce fruit unless you stay joined to me. I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. But you cannot do anything without me.” John 15:1-5 CEV

One thing I have learned in tending to my plants is that pruning doesn’t hurt a healthy plant. Pruning is the cutting away of the dead and useless branches. When they are removed, the plant grows stronger because it is no longer trying to supply water and nutrients to areas that have died.

It’s important that we are well watered. We will grow and be more like Christ when we are. How are we watered?

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. 10 The rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return there without giving water to the earth. This makes plants grow on the earth, and gives seeds to the planter and bread to the eater. 11 So My Word which goes from My mouth will not return to Me empty. It will do what I want it to do, and will carry out My plan well.” Isaiah 55:9-11 NLV

We are watered with God’s word. It provides what we need for a full and fruitful life.

“If you get your life from Me and My Words live in you, ask whatever you want. It will be done for you. “When you give much fruit, My Father is honored. This shows you are My followers. I have loved you just as My Father has loved Me. Stay in My love. 10 If you obey My teaching, you will live in My love. In this way, I have obeyed My Father’s teaching and live in His love. 11 I have told you these things so My joy may be in you and your joy may be full.The Christian with Other Christians 12 “This is what I tell you to do: Love each other just as I have loved you.” John 15:7-12 NLV

Take some time over the next few days to ask the Lord if there is anything He would like to prune from your life. There’s no condemnation if He shows you something; it’s for your benefit. Pruning will make you stronger and more productive.

I thank God that He loves me enough to see that I grow in a healthy way by removing those things that would stunt my growth.

The Unexpected

In a few days we will be entering a New Year. As a child I thought something magical happened on New Year’s Eve and now I realize it’s no more than turning the pages on a calendar.

People spend a lot of time thinking about the future and wondering what it holds for them. I’m sure that Mary and Joseph also spent time wondering about their future.

A new son. Not just a son, the Son of God, had come to live with them and life as they knew it was going to change. Have you ever thought about what happened in Mary and Joseph’s lives after Jesus was born.

“The time came for Mary and Joseph to do the things the Law of Moses taught about being made pure. They brought Jesus to Jerusalem so that they could present him to the Lord. 23 It is written in the law of the Lord: “When a mother’s first baby is a boy, he shall be called ‘special for the Lord.’” 24 The law of the Lord also says that people must give a sacrifice: “You must sacrifice two doves or two young pigeons.” So Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem to do this.” Luke 2:22-24 ERV

The Scripture really doesn’t give us much insight into the lives of the young family. We do know that Mary and Joseph were required by Jewish law to offer sacrifice for cleansing, a woman was considered unclean for seven days following birth, and then a first born son also had a special offering to be made.

What did they do for those seven days? Bethlehem was almost one hundred miles away from their home in Nazareth. They didn’t go home. Did they stay in Bethlehem for the seven days. If so, what did they do? We do know they came to the Temple in Jerusalem to offer the proper sacrifices. The trip to Jerusalem was only 5 miles. An easy walk, even for a new mother.

Now it was time to return home to all the relatives. Would there be a celebration or would they shun the young couple and child? Again we don’t have any information on their day to day life. Many times we wonder if God is concerned about our day to day life.

He is! He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. He has promised to give us strength in all things. He has told us to pray without ceasing – to rejoice always – to come boldly to His presence in our time of trouble. Money won’t solve our problems; our own abilities will leave us lacking; worry and anxiety change nothing; it is God who has the answer and the help we need in every situation.

“Keep your lives free from the love of money. Be happy with what you have. God has said, “I will never leave you or let you be alone.” Hebrews 13:5 CEV

“Christ is the one who gives me the strength I need to do whatever I must do.” Philippians 4:13 ERV

“Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.” Philippians 4:6-7 CEV

“Let us go with complete trust to the throne of God. We will receive His loving-kindness and have His loving-favor to help us whenever we need it.” Hebrews 4:16 NLV

My 2019 has some big unknowns. I am really excited to see what the future brings. Each day is a blank slate and the outcome is unknown to us but just remember there are no “unknowns” to God. Nothing catches Him by surprise.

“Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way.” Proverbs 3:5-6 ERV

Trust in the Lord today and He WILL direct your path.

Pondering Christmas

This morning I’m sitting alone and enjoying the thoughts of Christmases past. Remembering times when the kids and grandkids were little. It’s a blessing of life to remember.

Very soon the tree and all the decorations will come down but the memories will remain. In the last few days we have visited with the kids and grandkids on the phone, learned of presents that were opened, traded texts and emails with those we love and then saw on social media the pictures that so many have shared.

With a heart filled with love, I began to think of Mary. Everyone of you mothers can remember what it was like to wake up the day after one of your children were born. Going over and over in your heart the emotions of the day, those that came to visit and once again holding that tiny child in your arms – counting every finger and toe.

What do you imagine must have been going through Mary’s heart that morning after Christ’s birth? She’s in a stable, with a man who has shown her unconditional love and she has a child in her arms who is God’s gift to mankind. How blessed – how in awe!

“And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. 17And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. 18And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. 19But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:16-19

All through the night hours my thoughts have been filled with what Christ has done for me! I was unworthy of God’s love. I have done nothing to deserve His mercy and His grace. That’s what makes it so amazing!

Mary must have had these same thoughts. What did I do to deserve God’s favor; why was I chosen to birth the Messiah? It was all by God’s grace – giving to us the goodness of His love that we can’t earn and don’t deserve.

“But God is rich in mercy, and he loved us very much. We were spiritually dead because of all we had done against him. But he gave us new life together with Christ. (You have been saved by God’s grace.) Yes, it is because we are a part of Christ Jesus that God raised us from death and seated us together with him in the heavenly places. God did this so that his kindness to us who belong to Christ Jesus would clearly show for all time to come the amazing richness of his grace.

I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God. You are not saved by the things you have done, so there is nothing to boast about. 10 God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us new people so that we would spend our lives doing the good things he had already planned for us to do.” Ephesians 2:4-10 ERV

We are the recipients of a wonderful gift; the gift of God’s grace. That gift came to us in the form of a baby, Jesus Christ. God did this to show His kindness to all who are in the world. This gift is available to all.

My life, the blessings and all the good that is in it, is because of God’s love for me. It’s almost beyond words. I am overwhelmed by His goodness.

“When you became a Christian, you were set free from the sinful things of the world. This was not done by human hands. You were set free from the sins of your old self by what was done in Christ’s body. 12 When you were baptized, you were buried as Christ was buried. When you were raised up in baptism, you were raised as Christ was raised. You were raised to a new life by putting your trust in God. It was God Who raised Jesus from the dead. 13 When you were dead in your sins, you were not set free from the sinful things of the world. But God forgave your sins and gave you new life through Christ. 14 We had broken the Law many ways. Those sins were held against us by the Law. That Law had writings which said we were sinners. But now He has destroyed that writing by nailing it to the cross.” Colossians 2:11-14 NLV

These are the things that I dwell on each day. God’s goodness and love!

What will you “ponder” in your heart today? Is Christmas over and now it’s on with the daily routine or will you take time today to be thankful that Christmas has life-changing, glorious meaning for every day of the year?

From the Father’s Heart

Merry Christmas to all of you! I pray your day is filled with peace, joy and love.

As you celebrate the birth of Jesus, I hope you experience the same anticipation, excitement and wonder that the shepherds did over 2000 years ago. May you find joy as you celebrate with family and friends but take time for solitude and let the Lord speak directly to your heart.

I have no carol to share this morning. Instead I’m sharing with you a poem that I wrote over 30 years ago.

A Christmas Gift by Kristi Wilson

Christmas has a glory no other day can claim
For it was on that special day, the blessed Savior came.
The promise of His coming had been known for many years
And now that day was really here, the answer to men’s prayers.

Now it seems so long ago, that angels spoke to men
Proclaiming the good news of His birth to free them from their sins.
Some have forgotten the very meaning of His humble birth
And what those words really meant, “Peace to men on earth.”

It’s not the Santa in the store or snow upon the ground
It’s not in pretty presents or carols sung world ’round.
The true meaning that’s in Christmas is simple and unchanged;
It’s the answer found in Jesus and the power of His name.

All the brightly wrapped presents, the world’s problem cannot hide
The only thing that can heal man’s hurts is Jesus Christ inside.
If He’d only come again, I’ve heard the people say
That would solve the problems that we face each day.

But you see He’s never left, not since the day He came
For He lives within my heart and for you He’ll do the same.
God gave us such a special gift on Christmas long ago,
He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to let the whole world know

His great love so rich and free was brought to earth that day
To save mankind from their sins and to answer when they pray.
This gift was given to all the world, no one was left out
To receive it, just believe it and do not ever doubt.

The Son of God died for your sins to bring you life brand new
The greatest gift of all times has been given unto you.
There’s no tree or tinsel or the chime of silver bells
That can put the heart of man at peace or save his soul from hell.

Only Jesus Chist can answer the longing of each heart
And give to man eternal life and a brand new start.
There’s nothing wrong with Christmas, its tinsel, toys and trees;
The carols have new meaning when from sin you have been freed.

I share with you a cherished gift of my Father’s love
Jesus Christ, our Savior, sent from heaven above.
Merry Christmas one and all, you’re loved that is true
Rejoice, rejoice, it’s Christmas time and I offer this prayer for you.

“A child has been born for us. We have been given a son who will be our ruler. His names will be Wonderful Advisor and Mighty God, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 CEV

Merry Christmas! May God’s gift fill your hearts all year through.

Power Failure at Christmas

Do you remember those scenes from the Christmas movies when the man of the house had worked so hard at putting up the Christmas lights and when he plugged them in nothing happened?

Or worse yet, the lights came on for just a moment and then they tripped a circuit breaker. All that effort, all that work but not enough power to display it. We had a tripped circuit breaker at our house the other night. Not from too many lights; it was caused because there was too much power demand made on too small a circuit. It could have been easily averted if the cord had been plugged into another outlet with a greater capacity.

Many of us live our Christian lives in a similar scenario. We have the desire to be a witness for the Lord. We want to share His love with those around us and live the kind of life that reflects the Lord but the effort is all ours. We aren’t depending on God. We are plugged into the circuit of our own power when we should be utilizing the Lord’s power.

As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him. 32 “For who is God, except the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God?
33 God is my strength and power, And He makes my way perfect. 34 He makes my feet like the feet of deer, And sets me on my high places.” II Samuel 22:31-34 NKJV

As Christians we are all witnesses. The question is what kind of witness are we? When we are operating in our own power we have a tendency to burn out. When we allow God to energize our lives we take on a new glow and allow His godliness to shine through us.

“God once said, “Let light shine out of the darkness!”[a And this is the same God who made his light shine in our hearts to let us know that his own divine greatness is seen in the face of Christ.

We have this treasure from God, but we are only like clay jars that hold the treasure. This is to show that the amazing power we have is from God, not from us. We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We often don’t know what to do, but we don’t give up. We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed.” II Corinthians 4:6-9 ERV

The important thing to remember is we must depend on His amazing power and not our own. When things get difficult…and they will, when life greets us with unexpected hardship, devastatingly disastrous events and serious setbacks if we are plugged into that amazing power of God we won’t quit.

“For this reason, I ask you to keep using the gift God gave you. It came to you when I laid my hands on you and prayed that God would use you. For God did not give us a spirit of fear. He gave us a spirit of power and of love and of a good mind. Do not be ashamed to tell others about what our Lord said” II Timothy 1:6-8a NLV

When we go through those difficult times I mentioned above and we keep an attitude of joy and stay in a place of peace those around us will notice and eventually they will want to know why we weren’t destroyed in the face of difficulty. Our actions will reveal the source of our strength. God’s light within us will come shining through.

The power that lit the sky on that first Christmas night is the power that has been made available to us. In fact, heaven is still singing of God’s power.

“I looked again. I heard the voices of many thousands of angels. They stood around the throne and around the four living beings and the leaders. 12 They said with a loud voice, “The Lamb Who was killed has the right to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and shining-greatness (glory) and thanks.”

13 Then I heard every living thing in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and in the sea and all that are in them. They were saying, “Thanks and honor and shining-greatness (glory) and all power are to the One Who sits on the throne and to the Lamb forever.” Revelation 5:11-13 NLV

Let’s join with the angels’ chorus and sing praise to the Lamb of God, who sits on heaven’s throne. Let’s thank Him for the power He has given us.

“Jesus said to them, “You don’t need to know the time of those events that only the Father controls. But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.” After Jesus had said this and while they were watching, he was taken up into a cloud. They could not see him” Acts 1:7-9 CEV

Angels We Have Heard on High

Angels we have heard on high
Singing sweetly o’er the plains:
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains
Gloria in excelsis Deo!

Gloria in excelsis Deo!

Come to Bethlehem, and see
Him whose birth the angels sing;
Come adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord, the newborn King
Gloria in excelsis Deo!

Shepherds, why this jubilee?
Why your joyous strains prolong?
What gladsome tidings be
Which inspire your heav’nly song?
Gloria in excelsis Deo!

See him in a manger laid
Whom the choirs of angels praise
Mary, Joseph, lend your aid
While our hearts in love we raise
Gloria in excelsis Deo!

The best way I know to operate at full power is to praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow!

The Gift of Friendship

Last night our home was filled with dear friends…some we’ve only known a few years and others for more than half our lifetime. How precious they each are to us!


I just wanted to take a quiet moment to tell you how much I love and appreciate you. Although, you weren’t in our home I am touched by your love. God has blessed me with wonderful friends. Some of you I know personally and have been able to hug, to touch, to share a cup of coffee with or a meal and we have shared times of laughter and tears.

Others of you I only know through social media and your comments here on the blog. I’ve seen pictures of your families, shared your joys and your prayer requests. True friends just the same. I really don’t think there is time or distance when the Lord joins hearts.

Whatever your plans are for these upcoming days of Christmas I want you to know that I feel truly blessed to call you friends.

“I pray that God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and will bless you with peace! 3 Every time I think of you, I thank my God. 4 And whenever I mention you in my prayers, it makes me happy.” Philippians 1:2-4 CEV

But I also want you to know that our heavenly Father, the author of our friendship, has such a great love for you. He designed our meeting and crafted the bond that we have for one another.

His purpose – To show us His amazing love. Each time we reach out to love someone new, to develop a new relationship, His love is put into action. We can never truly love on our own. That deep and lasting commitment we experience for others comes from His heart. Friendship is a tangible example of His amazing love.

We are always in His heart and on His mind. His love is overwhelming, His peace reassuring and His comfort beyond comparing!

I can hear Him saying:
“I love you with an everlasting love” Jeremiah 31:3
“My peace I give to you; peace, be still.” John 14:27
“I will send the Comforter that will abide with you forever” John 14:16
“Let my joy be your strength” Nehemiah 8:10
” I know the thoughts I have for you; thoughts of peace”. Jeremiah 29:11-13

Yes, my world is quiet and my Father is speaking to me and He’s speaking to you as well. Enjoy your time with Him this morning and all through the day.

The song I want to share with you this morning isn’t a traditional Christmas Carol. However, if Jesus never brought heaven to earth as He did that day we wouldn’t be able to experience the blessed relationship we have with him.

Heaven Came Down by John W Peterson 1961

O what a wonderful, wonderful day, day I will never forget;
After I’d wandered in darkness away, Jesus my Savior I met.
O what a tender, compassionate friend, He met the need of my heart;
Shadows dispelling, with joy I am telling, He made all the darkness depart.

Chorus: Heaven came down and glory filled my soul,  (filled my soul)
When at the cross the Savior made me whole;  (made me whole)
My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day,
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul!  (filled my soul)

Born of the Spirit with life from above into God’s family divine,
Justified fully thru Calvary’s love, O what a standing is mine!
And the transaction so quickly was made, when as a sinner I came,
Took of the offer, of grace He did proffer, He saved me, O praise His dear name!


Now I’ve a hope that will surely endure after the passing of time;
I have a future in heaven for sure there in those mansions sublime.
And it’s because of that wonderful day, when at the cross I believed;
Riches eternal and blessings supernal, from His precious hand I received.

Chorus: Heaven came down and glory filled my soul,  (filled my soul)
When at the cross the Savior made me whole;  (made me whole)
My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day,
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul!  (filled my soul)

Thank you Father for allowing all of us to experience heaven on earth through the gift of your Son!

The Joy of Anticipation

There are so many things we “wait” on this time of year. We wait to see friends and family. We wait for packages to arrive. Just a few more days until the Christmas Concert or the party, we say. And we wait.

It’s so hard for little kids to wait. If they have a present for you they want you to open it the minute its wrapped. If you have a present for them the same reaction holds true. “Can I open it now?”

There’s real joy associated with anticipation or waiting. I remember when Dave and I were dating. It was a long distance relationship with him living in southern California and me in Arizona. I would get so excited the days before his visits. I couldn’t wait to see him!

It’s the same type of anticipation and excitement that an expectant mother feels waiting for the arrival of their child.

Another word for anticipation is hope. What a wonderful thing it is to live with hope.

“I would have been without hope if I had not believed that I would see the loving-kindness of the Lord in the land of the living. 14 Wait for the Lord. Be strong. Let your heart be strong. Yes, wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14 NLV

King David tells us that waiting on the Lord will strengthen us and fill us with hope. Isn’t that what Christmas is all about? Hope.

God sent His Son to earth to bring us hope. His gift of love gives us hope for our future.

“And Isaiah says, ‘Someone will come from Jesse’s family. He will come to rule over the nations, and they will put their hope in him.’ 13 I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace as you trust in him. Then you will have more and more hope, and it will flow out of you by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:12-13 ERV

I’m not sure what you are hoping for. What is your heart anticipating?

When we put our hope in God we will never be disappointed. Our hope in God is like an anchor for our souls.

“I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering. 12 You will turn back to me and ask for help, and I will answer your prayers.” Jeremiah 29:11-12 CEV

It was this message of hope, hope in Christ the Savior, that Charles Wesley was expressing when he wrote this Christmas hymn in 1744.

1. Come, thou long expected Jesus,
born to set thy people free;
from our fears and sins release us,
let us find our rest in thee.
Israel’s strength and consolation,
hope of all the earth thou art;
dear desire of every nation,
joy of every longing heart.

2. Born thy people to deliver,
born a child and yet a King,
born to reign in us forever,
now thy gracious kingdom bring.
By thine own eternal spirit
rule in all our hearts alone;
by thine all sufficient merit,
raise us to thy glorious throne.

Lord Jesus, hope of all the earth, fill our hearts with Your joy today and always!