Family Resemblance

This year for my mom’s birthday I added pictures to a digital frame. All the family contributed some of their favorites for the slide show. It was so much fun to see how we’ve all grown and aged.

I realize that as the year’s go by our facial similarities become more and more defined. We look more and more like mom and dad.

All this made me ask – how much more do I look like my heavenly Father this year than I did last year? Our goal as christians should be to be conformed to His image more and more each day.

When Moses went up on Mt. Sinai to meet with God, his appearance changed. The Bible says that his face reflected God’s glory and it glowed. Moses veiled his face so that the Israelites would listen to him without being alarmed. (Exodus 34)

This experience is what Paul is talking about in II Corinthians 3 and he compares it to us being changed into the image of Christ.

“The Lord and the Spirit are one and the same, and the Lord’s Spirit sets us free. 18 So our faces are not covered. They show the bright glory of the Lord, as the Lord’s Spirit makes us more and more like our glorious Lord.” II Corinthians 3:17-18

Make it your goal today to look more like your Father and your older brother, Jesus. Let others see the family resemblance!

Don’t Quit!

Today we have a spelling lesson. How do you spell defeat? It’s spelled q-u-i-t. How do you spell quit? It’s spelled n-e-v-e-r!

Things come up in life and it looks like you’ll be defeated. The hard things make you want to quit but don’t! It could be a relationship, an illness, financial problems, a continued process of setbacks but don’t quit!!! Fight the battle – victory will come.

The Apostle Paul wrote in II Corinthians “But thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus”! ALWAYS!!!!!
“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in victory through Christ. God uses us to spread his knowledge everywhere like a sweet-smelling perfume.” II Corinthians 2:14 ERV

I’m reminded of the story of the Israelites after they had been delivered from Pharaoh and Egypt. They had seen God do mighty things for them and now they were standing on the edge of the Promised Land. The Lord had told them they would go in and possess the land so they sent in spies to see what the land was like.

Do you remember the story? Twelve spies went in; they brought back clusters of grapes so big that two men had to carry them on a pole. It truly was a land flowing with milk and honey as God had said it was (He doesn’t lie you know). The land was lush and beautiful. A land to be desired but…the spies reported there were giants in the land.

Don’t you think God knew the giants were there when He said He would give them the land? Were the giants really any bigger an obstacle than the Pharaoh’s army or the Red Sea? If God had provided victory for them in the past, why would they doubt His ability now? The account goes on that the spies said they were as grasshoppers in the eyes of the giant and “we were but grasshoppers in our own eyes”. They took their eyes off of their God and looked at their own ability. They quit! They were defeated!

Joshua and Caleb, two of the spies tried to get their eyes back on the bigness of God but the Israelites were ready to stone them. Look at this!
“ It is a land filled with many good things. If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land. And he will give that land to us. 9 So don’t turn against the LORD! Don’t be afraid of the people in that land. We can defeat them. They have no protection, nothing to keep them safe. But we have the LORD with us, so don’t be afraid!” 10 All the people began talking about killing Joshua and Caleb with stones. But the Glory of the LORD appeared over the Meeting Tent where all the people could see it.” Numbers 14:8-10 ERV

Have you ever had somebody get mad at you because you wanted to trust God? It doesn’t seem rational or logical or make any kind of sense at all but that’s why it’s called faith! Trusting God isn’t “a way” to get things done, it’s “the way”. Jesus didn’t say I am “a way”, “a truth” and “a life” – NO! He said I am THE way, THE truth and THE life. You must be focused on what’s above – the greatness of our God or you’ll be like the Israelites and quit before you really get started. Joshua and Caleb were the only ones over the age of 40 that entered into the Promised Land. The rest of those who left Egypt and doubted God’s ability to give them victory in the Promised Land died in the desert.

I’m telling you this morning. I don’t know what your situation is or what battles you have been fighting but don’t quit! You’re not in this alone – God is there to fight the battle with and for you! Don’t quit – don’t give up – don’t accept defeat and you will ALWAYS TRIUMPH!

So I’ll say it again – don’t quit! As David said to Goliath “And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hands.” I Samuel 17:47

Make Every Thought Count

I think I told you once that as a child I was plagued with bad dreams. Well, I had a bad dream last night however, now there is a difference. What once were dreams filled with monsters and boogie men have now turned to situations and circumstances that would seek to destroy my peace and rob me of the ones I love. They seem more real and at times harder to deal with BUT…the exciting part is that now I use God’s Word in my dreams to dispel any sense of fear and danger!

In fact, I’ve really started using these night time situations to gauge my stand in the Word. Jesus said to his disciples, “In this world you will have tribulation, but we of good cheer I have overcome the world”. My dreams let me see how I would react to a situation – do I run and hide and let fear overtake me or do I stand firm, established on God’s word and remain at peace?

In II Timothy 1:7 we have a promise that all of us can hold on too.

“The Spirit God gave us does not make us afraid. His Spirit is a source of power and love and self-control.” II Timothy 1:7 ERV

King David said in Psalm 4:8
“When I go to bed, I sleep in peace, because, Lord, you keep me safe.” ERV

If God isn’t the one who sends fear but power and we are confident that the Lord keeps us safe then we can sleep in peace. So what to do with those bad dreams that creep in –

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,” II Corinthians 3:3-5 NKJV

Use your dreams as spiritual training ground. Make them line up with God’s word! The spirit man is always awake and alert – although the physical man needs rest the spirit of man is ready to fight if we keep him energized with God’s Word.

Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Every thought – not just the waking thoughts but every thought. Let the Word of God bring you to victory – speak it out with your mouth, let it control your heart and your actions.

The Apostle Paul says that we are to stand in the full armor of God in Ephesians 6. Part of the armor is the helmet of salvation – the helmet protects the head, the head is where these disobedient thoughts come from. So the helmet of salvation protects our minds from thoughts that don’t line up with God’s word. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God – the way we get saved is by hearing God’s word, the way we have our mind renewed is by hearing God’s word.

“Accept God’s salvation as your helmet. And take the sword of the Spirit—that sword is the teaching of God. 18 Pray in the Spirit at all times. Pray with all kinds of prayers, and ask for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready. Never give up. Always pray for all of God’s people.” Ephesians 6:17-18 ERV

So whether you’re awake or asleep live in a constant state of prayer – prayer is communicating with the Father. Talk to Him about the things in your life and about things that are in the lives of those you love and then things that are going on around the world with people you don’t know.

Take every thought captive as you do fear will be gone and you will be filled with love, power and a sound mind.