The Doors Are Locked

Have you ever had a period of time when you were afraid, really afraid? Then you know how the disciples felt just days and weeks after the resurrection of Christ.

Life for the followers of the Lord was still pensive. They huddled together behind locked doors, they probably traveled through the city streets accompanied by two or three others. They knew the Romans were still spreading rumors that THEY stole Jesus body to make it look like He rose from the dead.

If pursued by the soldiers they could be killed on the spot. The mob that had rioted and cried “Crucify Him, Crucify Him” was only now beginning to disperse in Jerusalem but who were they among so many? Living daily with all this apprehension, life was not normal and who knew when or if it ever would be again.

This was the life of the disciples and this was their mindset.

“The day was Sunday, and that same evening the followers were together. They had the doors locked because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them. He said, “Peace be with you!” 20 As soon as he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. When the followers saw the Lord, they were very happy. 21 Then Jesus said again, “Peace be with you. It was the Father who sent me, and I am now sending you in the same way.” 22 Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:19-22 ERV

But not all the disciples were there. Thomas was missing. A week later Jesus appeared to them again. They were still behind locked doors and Jesus greeting was the same – peace!

“A week later the followers were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. The doors were locked, but Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “Peace be with you!” 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here. Look at my hands. Put your hand here in my side. Stop doubting and believe.”28 Thomas said to Jesus, “My Lord and my God!”29 Jesus said to him, “You believe because you see me. Great blessings belong to the people who believe without seeing me!” John 20:26-29 ERV

The Bible doesn’t give us insight to what Jesus was doing between these visits with the disciples. For three years, they had been in daily contact with Jesus. They ate with Him, heard him teach and saw the miracles that He did. But where was He now? We don’t know.

What we do know is that every time he appeared to them after His resurrection He encouraged them, spoke words of peace and showered them with unconditional love. Jesus wasn’t stopped by the locked doors; He made himself known to them.

What is it that has you behind locked doors? What has your focus? Do you feel alone and abandoned? What has robbed your peace?

Thomas needed to see physical evidence before he was willing to believe that Jesus was still there, still in control, still in a place of power. Jesus’ words to Thomas are also Jesus’ words to us, “You believe because you see me. Great blessings belong to the people who believe without seeing me!” We’re the ones who are in the place of believing without physically seeing.

Two weeks after Easter 2021, the words of Jesus are still true. Be not afraid. Peace be with you! Jesus is always here even when the doors are locked.