The Smell of Sweet Perfume

Chanel – White Diamonds – Giorgio – Shalimar – perfumes! All have a wonderful odor.

Just one drop, and a room will be completely filled with fragrance. Have you ever experienced that? Just one little dab of expensive perfume on a cloth or piece of clothing will bring a wonderful bouquet to all the other clothes in your closet or drawer. Or maybe you’ve had the experience of walking past someone and you pick up on the sweet smell of perfume and it reminds you of someone you love or a place you love.

“I am grateful that God ALWAYS makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory. God also helps us spread the knowledge about Christ everywhere, and this knowledge is like the smell of perfume.” (emphasis mine) II Corinthians 214 CEV

The Apostle Paul tells us that we should be thankful because God ALWAYS causes us to triumph in Christ. ALWAYS!! Not just occasionally, not just half the time but ALWAYS!

And then He helps us spread the message of Christ and His victory everywhere like a sweet perfume. We’re not the perfume, the message of Christ is. We’re simply the article that transports the aroma.

Reminds me of the woman who broke the box of expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus. People were upset because she had wasted such a costly ointment but everywhere Jesus went, He left a sweet smelling fragrance and there was no denying that they had been in His presence.

“Six days before Passover Jesus went back to Bethany, where he had raised Lazarus from death. 2 A meal had been prepared for Jesus. Martha was doing the serving, and Lazarus himself was there. 3 Mary took a very expensive bottle of perfume and poured it on Jesus’ feet. She wiped them with her hair, and the sweet smell of the perfume filled the house.” John 12:1-3 CEV

Are we leaving people with the ability to sense that they have been in the presence of the Lord? Talking about His victories in our lives isn’t bragging on us and our great feats; it’s simply leaving the fragrance of Christ for others to enjoy.

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” I Thessalonians 5:18 KJV

Be grateful, be thankful, leave a sweet smell!