The Best Part of Waking Up

Now if the advertising community has done its job you know how to finish the words of this morning’s title. But this morning I sit here with an empty cup! Shocking, I know but true all the same. Yesterday morning when I got up and started the coffee brewing I heard the GFI break kick off. So I reset the breaker and it popped again. Then I moved the coffee maker to another plug with the same result. Finally on the move to the third outlet it stayed on and I had coffee. But I also knew I had a problem.

No, not my addiction to the black full bodied substance that fills my cup but instead my problem was with the electronic device that produces the savory brew!

Yes, my faithful appliance had made its last pot of coffee. I didn’t run out right away and buy a new pot. I had to take some time to research them and made the determination that when we go to town today we will find the right pot. Then I went on about my day unaffected by the loss of this well used appliance. However, as I started getting ready for bed last night I realized that part of my routine was interrupted. I didn’t have a coffee pot to “get ready for morning”. I didn’t even have my old camp pot handy so I could just boil me a cup.

Are you beginning to understand that coffee is a big part of my morning? I thought you would. So I am sitting here staring at an empty cup while the water heats on the stove with a packet of grounds steeping and hoping that when the process is complete it will be something worth drinking.

Is my morning ruined – never! My morning of quiet, reading the Bible and talking to the Lord is sweet. Coffee or no coffee my day is set by spending time with the Lord. I can praise Him for so many things in my life – His unconditional love, my husband, children and grandchildren. My freedom to share these thoughts each morning. Dear family and friends. Health and peaceful surroundings. Protection and safety. Praying for those who have needs of healing, relationships that need binding, financial stresses and strength.

Yes, thankful for all these things this morning. Thankful that my God isn’t made of stone but is a living God who hears my prayers, answers from His word and then speaks to my heart each and every day.

“Show me your faithful love this morning.
I trust in you.
Show me what I should do.
I put my life in your hands!
9 Lord, I come to you for protection.
Save me from my enemies.
10 Show me what you want me to do.
You are my God.
Let your good Spirit lead me over level ground.
11 Lord, let me live
so that people will praise your name.
Show me how good you are
and save me from my trouble.
12 Show me your love
and defeat my enemies.
Destroy those who are trying to kill me
because I am your servant.” Psalm 143:8-12 ERV

…and one final thing. Thankful for a new coffeemaker.

Blessings to you all today!

2 Replies to “The Best Part of Waking Up”

  1. Just read this today. My boys and I were just singing a few days ago “The best part of waking up is Starbucks in your cup!”. But you are right. The best part of waking each day is the opportunity to sit at our Savior’s feet and enjoy His presence. Thank you friend for the blessing of your “Lord-focused” thoughts.

    1. I wish we were closer where we could sit in each others living rooms and share over coffee or in the office trailer and share while the pilots were in the air. You are such a special friend and I’m glad that we can keep touch like this.

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