Are you a parent?

Are you a parent? If so, doesn’t it make you feel good when someone says something nice about your kids? I know it always has for me.

When Kaci was in school she were frequently receive a “caught in the act of being good” certificate. This reinforced a kindness on the playground or in the classroom. She is still a kind and loving person.

Then a few years back Kim received the designation of “Citizen of the Year” from her city. She was always helping to make things better, particularly with her efforts to chair the Relay for Life event.

While we were at the Indy 500 this year we met some of Koy’s firefighter friends from across the nation. Each one of them took the time to tell us privately how admired Koy was in their brotherhood. His skills and leadership make him a man to imitate.

Yes, what a joy to hear such good reports about your children, we feel like we are rich beyond measure. That’s today’s verse.

“A good reputation and respect are worth much more
than silver and gold.” Proverbs 22:1 ERV

“A sterling reputation is better than striking it rich;
a gracious spirit is better than money in the bank.” Msg

So that got me to thinking, what reputation do I have and what do people say about me to “My Father”? Am I a good example of a Christian or am I bringing reproach on the name of Christ?

Now I’m not asking for your compliments or kind words. I know that in times past my reputation hasn’t been “sterling” but my goal is to honor the Lord with my life and see that He is glorified!

Yes, that’s more than silver or gold!